Really this post is going to be about FMQ - but when I uploaded my photos to the computer, this darling shot of Gracen and her Aunt Mammie (Mandie - my D2)was right there - so just had to "show off" a little!! What a joy to have family together!! They even had matching hats!!
Well, I did it!! I dove into FMQ big time!! For Christmas gifts I made
5 lap quilts each measuring about 58" X 68". I have seen all of you out there in blog land just churning out these beautiful creations using FMQ. So for several months I've been studying and ooooing and aaaahing. I've watched tutorials on-line, I asked questions, I've looked again and again...and I dove in!!! But in the process I've created "
MY" list of FMQ Guidelines!!!
#1. FMQ is a lot like loping horses in circles. You've got to look where you are going, not where you are or where you have been.
Mike's mom's quilt |
#2. FMQ is a lot like running a fast break in basketball - controlled speed and you've got to see the whole court.
Mollie's quilt - front |
Mollie's quilt - back |
#3. FMQ is a lot like life - there are bumps and wobbles along the way - but you just keep going - fix a few and don't worry about the others.
Mikkie's quilt - front |
Mikkie's quilt - back |
Mikkie's quilt - detail
#4. FMQ is a lot like anything you do - do it in small manageable parts and you don't get overwhelmed!
Mandie's quilt - front |
Mandie's quilt - back |
#5. FMQ is lot like training Border Collies - don't do it when you are tired, cranky or just had a disagreement with your husband!
Lyn's quilt - front |
Lyn's quilt - back |
#6. FMQ is a lot like I do everything - with passion, love, and endurance!
Now I'm going to make me something!!
Happy, Happy, Blessed New Year!!!!!