
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Non UFOS, Winners & "Abundance"

I know that my last few posts have primarily been about my UFO projects, but really that isn't all that I have been doing. One of the reasons that the UFOs got caught up is that I used them for leaders/enders for other projects.

Mikkie (oldest daughter) needed a baby shower gift and asked me to "help" her make a baby quilt. She helped - bought the fabric and cut out the pieces!!! Oh yeah, she delivered the quilt!! LOL But it was such a joy to work together on a project. She is such a blessing in my life and continues to encourage me in my quilt endeavors. But alas, she's not really gotten the bug yet - but maybe because I'm still here making them!!

I also finished another Stadium Quilt for my booth. I haven't sold any more yet, but I am not discouraged and still enjoying the process. I also have 2 other flimsys ready for quilting and blocks are being pieced for a third. I'll post pictures of those when finished!

Speaking of Stadium Quilts - when I posted about my new venture I also mentioned a "contest"! (go here if you need to refresh your memory). Well, I hadn't forgotten about it, just put it on the back burner. There wasn't a clear winner, so I chose two. Karen over at Log Cabin Quilter had an invoice of $350 and in my book that was a lot of yardage!! The other winner is Denise at Count it All Joy (love the name of that blog!!) bought 60 yards at one wack!!! So, ladies if you will send me your choice of email addresses, I will get an on-line gift cert sent your way!! Thank you so much for being such faithful followers and kind friends!!

Now to the "Abundance" that God showered upon me this past month. Mandie (2nd daughter) and Bobby made a trip to Seattle Washington. I always ask my kids to get me a souvenir thimble from their travels. So, of course she did, but being the sweet, sweet thoughtful person she is, she also found some vintage fabric from an "antique" store.!!! It is just so lovely, and I'm contemplating the projects!! Be sure and click on the first picture to see the detail of the little flowers and stripes!! It is a just so pretty!

Now to the amazing part of the "Abundance" - A friend of a friend (of course they are all quilters!) sold her house in town, but didn't want to move her quilting "room" so she donated all of items (fabric, tools, tables, etc.) to my friend who also being the very generous person insisted that all of her quilting friends come by and "shop" her dining room table. I was unable to go for a couple of weeks, but she sent me an email stating that she "needed her dining room table back" and would I like to come and "shop". So, I made the arrangements and went by. When she answered the door, she said, "I'll only let you in if you promise to take everything on the table!" Well, of course I said yes!!! But much to my surprise is was covered!!!! She insisted that I was the very last "shopper" and that she was definitely glad for me to take it all!! I don't know the exact yardage - much of it was FQ, many remnants, and several pieces of yardages, but I would guess that it is some where around 50 yards!!!! God is amazing!!!

So, because of that generosity, I did start on another project. Susan at Starwood Quilter is hosting a "Quilter's Book Club" where participants read a book a month and then make a block that represents the book. The blocks are our choice, but Susan does a superb job of researching out the books and many possible block choices, with links for free patterns. She will also host a discussion on her blog at the end of each book. I've done several "sampler" block quilts in the past couple of years, so wanted to participate but do something different. So, I have opted to do "Redwork" blocks, and use this gorgeous rose floral fabric and wonderful red gingham (some of my favorite) for the setting blocks. It will be a nice project to stitch while I'm watching TV with Mike and only doing one a month won't be so daunting! There is plenty of these two fabrics (even for the backing) to make an nice lap size quilt.

Joyful Stitching!!!!!


  1. What a wonderful post. I love to hear of how God sends abundant blessings into people's lives.

    Be patient, your daughter will eventually catch the quilting bug.

  2. Very nice "joint" venture on the baby quilt, Doniene. You are such a good mom! That is evidenced by the way your children want to do nice things--like bring you that sweet vintage fabric along with the thimble.
    What a wonderful "abundant" blessing you received as the last "shopper" to the dining room table. Last really is the best of all! The Lord blessed you there through thoughtful friends, for sure.

  3. Very sweet baby quilt! Sounds like you have had some very nice things come your way of late! Enjoy.:)

  4. Oh Doniene! How sweet your stadium quilts are -- I love the one in purples and blacks. What school did you make that one for? I'm thinking it would be the perfect stadium quilt for a Baltimore Ravens fan! And *thank you*!! I'm so excited!!! And very happy that my 60 yards didn't total up to the big bucks like Karen's order! Whew!!!

    Isn't God sweet?! I'm always so excited to see how He's blessing my sweet blogging friends! Those vintage fabrics are lovely, lovely -- as are the two red prints for your redwork quilt! What fun!! :)

  5. I love hearing about mothers and daughters encouraging each other. So good of you to do the bulk of the stitching on this baby quilt. It's lovely. Your daughters have good taste in fabric. Love hearing about all your quilting ventures. The red floral and gingham are so appropriate for spring and will be fun to revisit all year long as you stitch your Redwork.

  6. Love the quilts and really love the fabric.
    What a really lovely girlfriend you have, to be shopping of here table.
    Hope you have great fun using it all.

    Warm regards,

  7. Wow, Doniene, this really was a God-gift!
    What a lovely friend!
    And I must love tour babyquilt and that lovely fabric tour children bought you; such beautiful little flowers.
    Love and God bless, Ria.

  8. You have been blessed haven't you ! We get back what we put out to others, proof you are a very generous person! The rose and gingham fabric are gorgeous, but you know I must love red !

  9. great baby quilt and I love the stadium quilt. such pretty purples.

    Well, I am sure that was fun taking all that fabric home with you. That sounds like you got a lot!
    The book idea sounds fascinating. Can't wait to see your block.

  10. Beautiful joint projects ;-)
    Love the thought and the project!

    How joyful to have a generous friend sharing the quilting goodies. Enjoy!!

  11. Aren't quilters so very generous! I know your daughter will catch the quilting bug some day...just give her time.

  12. Even if Mikkie didn't actually make the quilt it sounds like her intentions were good!! The quilt is lovely! And nice fabric from Bobbie - what a sweetie to get it for you :-) I can imagine you will have a wonderful time with your shared fabrics - how generous!! I like the sound of your book club - I might just have to check it out - but must watch from afar as it sounds like I will be so tempted!!

  13. Thank you for my prize, Doniene. I am going to order some thread with the gift certificate.

  14. I just had to smile reading your post because my #4 daughter is always starting projects that somehow become mine to work on. At least she takes over and turns the binding in the end. And it is a joy to work together.

  15. Love this post, Doniene, friends are one of many special gifts from God, and what a blessing this one is. I bet you felt like a kid in a candy store, JOYFULLY! looking at all those goodies and then the wheels started turning, my mom who is so gifted with her hands always has more than one project going at a time. Your quilts as always are beautiful, you have such an eye for co-ordinating colors. Thanks for sharing a wonderful post.


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!