
Friday, March 1, 2013

March UFO Goals

Time for me to link up over at Carrie's as she is the host for the UFOs in 2013.

I had to really think about what UFOs I was going to list for the month, as Carrie suggests that we list 3.

Number One:

My main goal this month is to FINISH (yes, I said FINISH) quilting TWQ!!!!!

I'll start like this:

But I may look more like this by the end of the month!!!

Number Two:

Assemble this:

into a flimsy.

Number Three:

Keep caught up on my Grandmother's Choice Blocks.


  1. I look forward to see your red and green blocks put together.
    yes, I will be "still" hand quilting my daughter's quilt too.
    thanks for linking up.

  2. You can do it and I'll cheer you on along the way.

  3. I think you can, I think you can, and I know you can!!!

    :) Carolyn

  4. Getting those quilts quilted takes a lot of time and commitment, doesn't it! I've got one on my list this month too :*) I'm pulling for you to get 'em done!!!

  5. I'm going to be cheering for you at the finish line for TWQ, Doniene. A hand quilted gift is such a treasure, especially when it is a full sized quilt.
    Won't that red/green quilt be fun? Are you going to machine quilt that one?

  6. I am so impressed with your goals, and I'm pulling for you too. At least March is a longer month than February!

  7. Haha! I love your "beginning" and "end" depictions for quilting your TWQ! Only for me, it would be how I start my day vs how I end it! I need to catch up on my GC blocks, but slowly and more slowly I'm getting there! :)

  8. Cute post!! Good luck with your goals for March!!

  9. It feels so good to complete those goals! I wish I could come over and sit and stitch on TWQ, I haven't done that for a long time and I miss it.

  10. Good luck with your goals!! I am sorely tempted to join Carrie's line up - I really need to make some progress on my projects!!

  11. Good luck with your progress. Your visuals made me smile!


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