
Friday, March 22, 2013

Stitching Away...

I know all of you have been super productive - I've seen such absolutely beautiful quilting projects in blog land!!! So very inspiring!!

I have finished 3 quilts and thought I would share!

My first commissioned quilt was a baby quilt (about 42" x 56"). The quilt was for a little boy with the colors  teal, gray, and white, and I could choose any pattern I wanted.  A couple of years ago, I purchased a collection of embroidered blocks, so I chose three dog blocks and added the pinwheels. I machine quilted it by straight line quilting around the dog blocks and then FMQ a finial design in the big teal triangles, clouds in the gray triangle, meandering in the pinwheel area and "loop de loop" in the sashing.

I also finished up another stadium quilt. This pattern was a D9P (so Freda, I finally got one done!!) I just FMQ an all over meander and I thought it turned out nicely. I have found that I really enjoy "freestyle" FMQ rather than following traced patterns! I like making up patterns as I go! I NEVER thought that would be me!!! I'm such a symmetrical, geometric math person!

I had the BOM presentation for guild this month and I opted for a simple traditional block - Jewel Box - done in scrappy greens and white/off whites.  I made a small quilt using 6 inch blocks (for guild we will make 12" blocks) to see if I liked how my fabric choices went together. It measures about 20" square and I've named it:

"Spring has Sprung"!!!!

The guild members really liked it and many wanted the 6" cutting instructions along with the 12"! so I guess it was a hit! I just straight line cross hatched it with FMQ scallops in the border. It now sits on my coffee table reminding me that "something" is green, even though it is pretty much "brown" outside! Sure praying for rain!

Blessed Joyful Stitching to Ya'll!!!!


  1. Oh, your little boy quilt is so cute with those stitched pieces in the mix with the fun fabrics. Nice job.
    I love the warmth of the fabric combination on the D9P. The meander is a good choice for that pattern.
    But, of course, your little Jewel Box is the prize! Just delightful. I can understand why your guild members want instructions for that sweet little things along with the larger blocks. : )
    (I'm also jealous that you have iris blooming.)

  2. Wow you have been ultra busy!! Love all your quilts and especially the one for your guild. Good on you with your fmq-ing - I've discovered I really like not having to follow lines either!!

  3. All three of the quilts are so lovely! I really like the photography on your small jewel box quilt. I can see why the guild wanted cutting instructions for it, too. I really loved the colors in the D9P and how it came out. The baby quilt is adorable too.

  4. You have been a busy girl, love all three quilts. Mom and baby boy will love their new quilts, Jewel Box is a favorite of mine, and D9P is so versatile that no two look alike. Beautiful finishes.

  5. These are all fantastic! And I think I see blooming iris in the last pic! Spring has definitely sprung for you! Yay!

  6. The Jewel Box is wonderful -- a nice selection of fabrics.

  7. You've been very busy, Doniene! And I understand about the FMQ when one is a math/geometry kinda person... but it's so freeing just to go at it all over the place!

    All three quilts are very lovely... congratulations on such wonderful finishes!!!

  8. Wow girl! You have been super busy! And what wonderful finishes too :*) I just love that baby quilt - how special to use the embroidered blocks. And that D9P - I just love that design and your colors are gorgeous together :*) Way to go!!!

  9. Congratulations on 3 amazingly beautiful Quilt finishes Doniene!
    I love them all!

    Spring has Sprung looks like a quilt out of a magazine draped over that backdrop of rocks and White Iris. You take such wonderful pictures! Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. Every time you post you have more than one finished quilt! You're amazing! I especially love your Jewel Box quilt. So many wonderful patterns are possible with 4-patches and half square triangles. I'm itching to play with some!

  11. I have gotten so far behind on reading my blogs! I do love your jewel box quilt! It is such a neat pattern. I'm with you when it comes to FMQing. It is so much easier without having to follow lines. I'm going to email you some pictures of my civil war blocks and gripe some more about lines.

  12. nice work there doni, my fave is the cheddar in the middle...and the psalms poster is perfect!

  13. How did I miss this post?! Such beautiful quilts!!!

  14. You have finished some absolutely beautiful projects dear Girl! Wow! I love your design of the baby quilt - just perfect. Those pinwheels are darling paired with those sweet embroidered blocks.
    And look at you go with your FMQ! I am so impressed! It is the perfect finish to your pretty scrappy D9P.
    A jewel Box quilt is at the top of my list - your greens are gorgeous! Did you use the block instructions from Quit Cache? Mine will have to be blues and brown because those are the boxes that are too full to close! :)
    Stunning finishes Doniene! Praying that things are greening up in your neck of the woods!


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