
Saturday, January 26, 2013


A grand joyful day to each of you!!

I've been doing quite a bit of stitching, but am only going to take time today to show a couple of little things that I've stitched up.

Teresa over at "A Quilt and a Prayer" (just love that name!) inspired me again to participate in a linky party. I saw many of Scraphappy's Rainbow Scrap Challenges last year, but seeing Teresa's January pink block made me want to join in. So, I'm sewing up "memory blocks" in 1 1/2" squares from not just my scraps but from the quilts that I've made. This is my January Pink - made from Emma's baby quilt scraps.

A couple of weeks ago I won one of these darling little charm packs from Kathy Schmitz's new collection from Moda called "Round Robin".

I stitched them up into a little patchwork quilt:

I'm not one of those quilter's that runs right out and buys  a new collection - but these fabrics are just scrumptious! Make sure you click on the photo to get a close up! I will definitely order some of these!!

I've been stitching other things, but will post about them later.


  1. I love the Memory Block idea. I had been thinking of doing something similar with some of my projects but haven't started on it. Your pinks are so sweet.
    That is a very pretty line of new fabric. Will you save this block and incorporate it into a bigger quilt when you buy some yardage or will it be a quiltlet on its own?
    So good to hear from you. I was about to check in see if all was well. : )

  2. Sweet little minis! I've often thought that it would be fun to have a mini quilt on the wall matching the quilt I had on the bed! Hmmmmm! Maybe I need to do that before I use up all those scraps in something else! lol

  3. I love what you are doing. The Kathy Schmitz fabris are indeed delicious. Hugs

  4. I love you mini quilt tops! The pink one is so sweet!
    I like regan's idea.

  5. Yes, your memory block idea is great. I don't have that many scraps, but it would be wonderful for someone who does.

    The charm pack fabrics really are lovely! Congratulations on your win.

  6. I love it all. Your little pink quilt is cute, and I do love that round robin line.

  7. So glad you have joined into the scrap challenge. Your pink block is pretty. 1.5 inch squares are such a nice size -- they always loot adorable all joined together.

  8. And a grand joyful day to you my friend! I'm so happy you are joining in on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I have so much fun playing with each color :*) How delightful is your block from the fabrics in Emma's baby quilt!!! I just love it! And you're right, those Round Robin fabrics are pretty scrumptious!

  9. 1.5" squares...???? So tiny yet that block is SO beautiful!

    What a sweet fabric colllection! Just love the little patchwork quilt you made from it!

  10. I've never heard of that kind of memory quilt. Good idea. Love your pinks!
    That's a cute little top you made with your winnings. Congrats!

  11. Beautiful quilt tops, i did enlarge and it is beautiful. One of these days I am going to visit you and invite you to come look at my quilt . ~smile~ I might be 90+ but this is my desire. Foe now I will enjoy yours and other blogging friends.

  12. Love the idea of a memory quilt. 1.5 inches is a tiny size but it is so darn cute.

  13. That's a great block to include lots of prints - FUN!
    Congratulations on the minis - too cute.
    We are having a jouyous day here with a fresh blanket of snow!!

  14. love that pink block.
    I won one of those little KS packs too. I do like the fabrics a lot.
    congrats on your win.

  15. Hey! I've not seen this collection before ... it's totally cute! My dad's family has this Round Robin e-mail thing going -- it actually started with handwritten letters from his grandmother along with her eight children. As that generation has passed away, my generation (and now my daughter's, as well) are taking up the call and participating. It would be fun to do a little something fun for each of the participants in these fabrics!! :)

  16. Great pink going on there. I just love the memory block idea.


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