
Sunday, February 3, 2013

UFOs for February

I don't know about ya'll, but January flew right by me!!! I didn't get as far on my January UFOs so...yep, they are now February UFOs. My dad used to say on June 21 every year - well, my spring work is all done, now the summer work has begun!

I did finish up the Chocolate Covered Cherries flimsy - but for a true finish, Carrie said it had to be usable - so that is my UFO #1 - quilt and bind CCC! The flimsy  was made from scraps and stash - but I did purchase the backing (I'll show it in the finish pic!!)

My Leader/Ender project was to assembly Christmas FG units. Well I got all done but 2!! Yeah!!! That makes 429 FG units! So my February Leader/Ender project is to assemble all the units into strips.

Third UFO: I did get some hand quilting done on TWQ. Maureen has been such an encouragement for me!! Thanks!!!
(Sorry, no pic yet as it is still a surprise for the recipients!) I really hope to finish up quilting on it this month.

My fourth UFO is to catch up on the Barrister blocks that I haven't finished and assemble the top.

And Number 5 - catch up on the Grandmother's Choice blocks - I'm about 4 weeks behind.


  1. I don't know, a finished quilt top certainly feels like a 'finish' to me!

  2. I consider a top a finish, too. Not sure why - I guess because of the feeling of accomplishment. So yay on your finished flimsy! Very striking with those red center squares.
    Love all your projects. Looking forward to seeing your hand quilting. I keep plugging along at it, too!

  3. I agree - a flimsy is a finish and should be checked off your list.

    Holy smokes, 429 FG would be a major accomplishment in my book. I struggle to makes less than 10 FG.

    All of your projects are progressing nicely. Keep working and they will be flimsies soon, too.

  4. We are all voting for a flimsy to be a finish! : )
    I love Chocolate Covered Cherries--and all from stash. What a bonus!
    Oh my, that is a passel of flying geese!
    I'm excited about those Barrister's blocks in solids. Very nice.
    And the purple Grandmother's Choice blocks--scrumptious!!

  5. Congrats on your Cherry quilt. It looks great. I am moving Jan. UFOs to Feb. too. It is okay. You are still working on them which is good.
    Love all those blocks you have laid out.

  6. Your 4th UFO is gorgeous, love the colors!

    I only got one of my January UFOs done, like you the other two are pushed to another month. Good quilting this month!

  7. You're not the only one shifting 'deadlines' for quilts!! As long as we are moving along on them I guess that's OK?! Your chocolate covered cherries is so nice - love those stars!! And your Grandmothers' Choice blocks also lovely.


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!