
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stitching Right Along & A Couple of Freebies

Good, good morning!!!!! Hope this finds each and everyone one of you richly blessed!!

Wow, where does the time go! Flies by me, that's for sure!! But I have been pretty busy with all my normal activities and even have gotten in quite a bit of stitching time.

My first UFO flimsy finish for the year!! My CWR sampler that was a BB SAL in 2011.

I am so very, very pleased with the results!! My plan is to machine quilt it for a fall quilt for our bed. The first I've made for that purpose in 14 years! It will be fun to have seasonal bed quilts!!

Now to the Freebies. I've done a little cleaning out and found a couple of items that I'm offering to whomever wants them. Just leave a comment and let me know. If more than one person wants them, I will have a drawing in a few days.


I bought this a few years ago and just haven't ever used it - so I want to pass it on to someone who will!!
It measures about 8.5" square and has 95 pages - so plenty of room to document your quilts.


This is a wool yarn needlework project that was in my MIL's belongings. It has never been opened and looks in excellent condition.

If anyone has any questions about either item, just email me and I'll answer ASAP.


  1. I am in love with this sampler quilt! Just so beautiful. Those are such warm, rich colors, and it came together beautifully! You should be busting your buttons over this one, Doniene! : )

  2. Your CW Sampler is stunning!
    Congratulations on such a beautiful first finish of 2013!

  3. Congratulations on finishing up your CW quilt top! It's gorgeous!!!!

  4. Doniene, your sampler is gorgeous!! Well done on getting it together!! What a great start to the year!!!

  5. I just knew I would find something beautiful that you had been doing. I clicked and enlarge the sampler quilt top, it is beyond beautiful.
    Your word joyful for the year is off to a good start.

  6. Stunning! Did you send a link to BB? You really did a wonderful job with this. I agree with Janet - such warm, rich colors. Perfect for fall. Thanks, but I'll pass on the freebies. Would you send some of that sunshine this way?!?!

  7. Gorgeous quilt, Doniene! And the border is perfect for it! Well done! You should be very proud of yourself! I'm passing on your items, as well....I have a purge going right now....will be putting stuff up for grabs, too! :o) Spring cleaning has come early! And that's good!

  8. Your sampler quilt is gorgeous! Congrats of getting the top completed.:)

  9. Doniene,
    your sampler quilt is stunning. It will be so beautiful on your bed during fall time. Love it!

  10. Wonderful quilt Doniene!!! I just love sampler quilts :*) There's so much for the eye to see. What a great idea! I love seasonal quilts too, although so far I don't have any for our bed either. I have made a few for the walls, but I suppose I need to get busy and make a few for our bed.

  11. I love your. CW quilt. It's so beautiful. Hugs

  12. I love your. CW quilt. It's so beautiful. Hugs

  13. Love your quilt!! It is going to be lovely on your bed!!

  14. What a stunning finish!! How wonderful to have such a treasure for your BR. In fact, I think it is a JOYFUL finish. Big round of applause - did you hear that??

  15. What a great quilt! It is just gorgeous!

  16. What a beautiful accomplishment! I can't even imagine the hours involved. I love the colors!

  17. Your quilt top is nothing short of breathtaking! I cannot even begin to imagine how many hours have gone into this beauty already. This is truly an heirloom quilt. Can't wait to see pictures of it quilted and on your bed!

  18. Hi Doniene, I went to the quilt guild meeting this month, I'm sorry I missed you, I was looking forward to meeting you ! Maybe next month ! Blessings

  19. Oh goodness ... your sampler quilt is just beautiful. It's a true work of art! You must be so excited to have it ready to quilt! What a wonderful heirloom this will be!! :)


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