
Saturday, January 26, 2013


A grand joyful day to each of you!!

I've been doing quite a bit of stitching, but am only going to take time today to show a couple of little things that I've stitched up.

Teresa over at "A Quilt and a Prayer" (just love that name!) inspired me again to participate in a linky party. I saw many of Scraphappy's Rainbow Scrap Challenges last year, but seeing Teresa's January pink block made me want to join in. So, I'm sewing up "memory blocks" in 1 1/2" squares from not just my scraps but from the quilts that I've made. This is my January Pink - made from Emma's baby quilt scraps.

A couple of weeks ago I won one of these darling little charm packs from Kathy Schmitz's new collection from Moda called "Round Robin".

I stitched them up into a little patchwork quilt:

I'm not one of those quilter's that runs right out and buys  a new collection - but these fabrics are just scrumptious! Make sure you click on the photo to get a close up! I will definitely order some of these!!

I've been stitching other things, but will post about them later.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stitching Right Along & A Couple of Freebies

Good, good morning!!!!! Hope this finds each and everyone one of you richly blessed!!

Wow, where does the time go! Flies by me, that's for sure!! But I have been pretty busy with all my normal activities and even have gotten in quite a bit of stitching time.

My first UFO flimsy finish for the year!! My CWR sampler that was a BB SAL in 2011.

I am so very, very pleased with the results!! My plan is to machine quilt it for a fall quilt for our bed. The first I've made for that purpose in 14 years! It will be fun to have seasonal bed quilts!!

Now to the Freebies. I've done a little cleaning out and found a couple of items that I'm offering to whomever wants them. Just leave a comment and let me know. If more than one person wants them, I will have a drawing in a few days.


I bought this a few years ago and just haven't ever used it - so I want to pass it on to someone who will!!
It measures about 8.5" square and has 95 pages - so plenty of room to document your quilts.


This is a wool yarn needlework project that was in my MIL's belongings. It has never been opened and looks in excellent condition.

If anyone has any questions about either item, just email me and I'll answer ASAP.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Word for the Year!









Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Quilting Plan - Finishing UFOs!!

Like many of you, I too sat down at the end of the year and made a "plan" for my quilting goals for the year. I really wanted to finish up several (okay about 20) UFOs that are in varying stages of progress. Much to my delight Irene over at Hilachas had posted about a linky party just for that plan!! So I'm joining in!!

I made an overall general list and then I made a list for just January. I broke my list into 4 categories:

1. Hand Quilting

2. Machine Piecing/Quilting

3. Leader/Ender Project

4. "TV" Project - Hand Piecing and/or other hand work.

So for January, my projects are:

1. For my hand quilting I'm working on TWQ (for any new visitors that stands for The Wedding Quilt - a queen size bed quilt for my son and dil). It is still incognito, as it is a surprise - so sorry no photo. My goal this month is to make a major dent in hopes that I will complete it next month.

2.  Chocolate Covered Cherries:

This is a "new" UFO as I started it right after Christmas - but want to finish!! It is a lap quilt for myself!! You know me and stars!! The fabric is all from scraps from other projects or from my stash. In fact the background fabric is from 1984!!! My plan is to have it pieced, machine quilted and bound by February 1st.

3. Christmas FG are my Leader/Ender project - I've made quite a few units while piecing CCC stars (above) so only have about 100 to go! Hope to finish them this month.

4. "TV" project is Rocky Mountain Bride Blocks. I have 3 completes with six more to go. My plan to to piece three blocks this month.

I'm linking up with Carrie P. over at "A Passion for Applique" (button on side bar) where she is hosting "Nothing but UFOs in 2013".

Sounds like a plan!!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A little New Year's Treat: 

A Waltz Across West Texas...

Wyman, the photographer, used to live in the old jail in Benjamin, TX.  The photo of the coiled rattlesnake appeared on the cover of a wildlife magazine in the 80's.He said, there were times he crawled a long way on his belly to get a good shot of a wild animal.
The music is by Doug Smith.  Doug is from Petersburg, Texas and lives south of town.  Doug plays by ear- He cannot read music, but has many CDs. A pickup accident left Doug paralyzed and he does not play anymore. 

Most of the pictures were taken in the rolling plains (cap rock to Seymour, the Fork, 6666, and Waggoner Ranches. There are some scenes in Palo Duro Canyon.

Please take a moment and view....I don't know if I've ever come across such a skillful combination of music and amazing animal and landscape photography.

The changes in the tempo perfectly compliment the scenery.  It is simply a beautiful portrayal of our magnificent home state!