
Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Quilting Plan - Finishing UFOs!!

Like many of you, I too sat down at the end of the year and made a "plan" for my quilting goals for the year. I really wanted to finish up several (okay about 20) UFOs that are in varying stages of progress. Much to my delight Irene over at Hilachas had posted about a linky party just for that plan!! So I'm joining in!!

I made an overall general list and then I made a list for just January. I broke my list into 4 categories:

1. Hand Quilting

2. Machine Piecing/Quilting

3. Leader/Ender Project

4. "TV" Project - Hand Piecing and/or other hand work.

So for January, my projects are:

1. For my hand quilting I'm working on TWQ (for any new visitors that stands for The Wedding Quilt - a queen size bed quilt for my son and dil). It is still incognito, as it is a surprise - so sorry no photo. My goal this month is to make a major dent in hopes that I will complete it next month.

2.  Chocolate Covered Cherries:

This is a "new" UFO as I started it right after Christmas - but want to finish!! It is a lap quilt for myself!! You know me and stars!! The fabric is all from scraps from other projects or from my stash. In fact the background fabric is from 1984!!! My plan is to have it pieced, machine quilted and bound by February 1st.

3. Christmas FG are my Leader/Ender project - I've made quite a few units while piecing CCC stars (above) so only have about 100 to go! Hope to finish them this month.

4. "TV" project is Rocky Mountain Bride Blocks. I have 3 completes with six more to go. My plan to to piece three blocks this month.

I'm linking up with Carrie P. over at "A Passion for Applique" (button on side bar) where she is hosting "Nothing but UFOs in 2013".

Sounds like a plan!!



  1. I have also made my quilting to-do list for the whole year. I have one major quilt project planned for each month. I have several small things I want to toss in along the way ... garters for baskets, placemats, small wall hangings. I love your UFO to-do list and the pictures so far. Can't wait to see what we can get finished in 2013!

  2. Oh, you are so disciplined, I am impressed. I know I never accomplish all I think I can and I just get frustrated, so I don't get that specific. I just keep a list of what I want to get done eventually and refer to it regularly. Sometimes I even work on the projects on the list! : )
    I LOVE Chocolate covered cherries--the name and the blocks!

  3. I don't have a quilting list, just enjoy seeing you and others complete yours. You are very gifted, and I envy women(in a good way, smile) who are so gifted.
    Looking forward to seeing the Wedding Quilt.
    Enjoy your day.

  4. Wow - that is an impressive plan!
    You have some beautiful projects - look forward to seeing your progress in the coming weeks!
    Enjoy 2013!

  5. I haven't made a plan for my UFOs, but I really should because they are scattered all over the house (knitting, quilting, sewing, etc.).

    Chocolate Covered Cherries' blocks are very attractive - a great name for them. Of course, I also love the plaid flying geese.

  6. Good on you for having a list... worked well for me last year! So much fun crossing off the completed projects...

    Your Chocolate Covered Cherries blocks are cool.. looking forward to seeing more of these!

  7. Yo go girl, and I will watch and cheer you on.

    Kind regards,

  8. Definitely sounds like a plan to me. So glad to see you are going to work on UFOs this year with me. I look forward to seeing your progress.

  9. Sounds like a GREAT plan! I need to make that commitment to some of mine! :o)

  10. I've made my list as well and seeing as I live in the land of UFO's, I really ought to join up! Looks as if you are off and running! I'm looking forward to seeing TWQ completed - it's going to be gorgeous! Chocolate covered cherries is truly delightful - I'm with Janet - perfect name for what will be a darling quilt!

  11. I will be cheering you on in your ambitious plan.....You can do it Doniene !!!!!

  12. Good luck! Your plans are ambitious, but I'm sure you can do it. Chocolate Covered Cherries - love the blocks, love the name!

  13. I really like how you've divided your ufo list up. Good luck on your finishes!

  14. I haven't made my quilting list yet -- I've been too encompassed with that *other* list. LOL! But I have some general ideas as to where I want my quilting to go this year. Doniene, I just noticed the five generations pictures--how marvelous is that?! :)

  15. I love your projects! A quilt for yourself? Sweeet!!!!

  16. I really like your plan to have different lists. I like to have something to do while watching TV and having a (or several) projects ready to go for that is a must. I usually have some embroidery and now I have a hand applique project that I haven't blogged about yet, but will soon. I need to get a leader/ender project going. I have been doing some of that, but it's only 4-patches and no real plan, except to make donation quilts from them (which I guess is a plan). We are out of town now, so when I get home I will make a UFO list and maybe join the UFO group. But, I think, I might even post my list on my blog - for the first time ever!

  17. I love your Chocolate Covered Cherries! So cute! You have an ambitious list for 2013... it will make you JOYFUL to cross each accomplishment off that list!

  18. checking in to see how your UFOs are coming along?


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