
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cherry Limeade

I know most of you are very self-disciplined and DO NOT start another project until the one you are working on is done - right - LOL!!

Well, I just couldn't resist starting another quilt project - I've got 8 going right now - not counting the flimsys that need to be quilted of course!!

I fell in love with an antique quilt I saw in a book by Mary Bywater Cross called Treasures in the Trunk : Quilts of the Oregon Trail.

As you know, I've been shopping for fabric for THE WEDDING QUILT and found this super cute green and pink fabric on-line (on clearance mind you !!) and bought a little.

Thus, was born the beginnings of "Cherry Limeade".  It will be a small quilt, but I am very pleased with the reproduction I am creating!!

Blessings to Ya'll !!

Maple Star Flimsy Finish

I've been cruising blog land and enjoying everyone's quilting projects!! So much inspiration and beauty out there. I have been working on several projects (all of which you have seen at least once - so I vowed not to post about "old" stuff!). I wanted to finish up a couple of them before I began on THE WEDDING QUILT! which I have begun to assemble the fabrics for it - sorry can't post about it until the finish - but if you really want to see it - I'll email you pictures - I don't mind if you are nosy interested in my projects! I love to share and get feedback - really!!

So, I did finish one project - the flimsy for the Maple Star Blocks!! I ended up going to the fabric store and choosing a totally different fabric than what I had shown earlier here, although I did use the yellow - just love that fabric, I am very, very satisfied with my choice and though this will packed away for a few months while I'm working on THE WEDDING QUILT,  my plans are to machine quilt it for a quilt for my bed this fall!

Blessings to Ya'll !!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

WooHoo !! I WON TOO !!

Today was our guild meeting and I was excited to go as I had missed both December and January meetings.  I knew that I had won the drawing last month, but didn't get my blocks until this morning! And as many of you will realize why I was SO EXCITED !! The blocks I won were STARS !!!!

Aren't they beautiful!!! Another top to construct - thinking, thinking, thinking !!

Also, here are the FW sow-a-long blocks that Randy is hosting. I had one Christmas one in this group.

Blessings to Ya'll !!


With the assistance of my resident cowboy, we drew the name from his trusty hat :

and regan at Floating on a Quilted Cloud was the winner of the first "Fabulous Fifteenth Fabric Freebie" !

Regan, please send me your mailing address and I'll pop your little prize in the mail soon. My email is enabled on my profile.

Thank each and every one of you for coming over and giving me you tips!! It was priceless to me!!

Blessings to Ya'll !!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Thank You !!

...for the overwhelming response to my giveaway! I so appreciate everyone contributing a "trick" or "notion" tip! I learned so much and am looking forward to next month - thinking up questions!!!

The giveaway will close this evening at 10:00 p.m. Texas Time. I will post the winner tomorrow morning!

Blessings to Ya'll !!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Christmas Sampler Blocks FINISHED !!!!!

I pieced the final block today for my Christmas Sampler. I LOVE the look!!! But again, I will field ALL suggestions for setting. I'm thinking off white tone on tone sashing or setting on point with off white setting squares with a pretty Christmas fabric for a border (I was at the fabric/yarn store yesterday and saw some awesome fabric!!). It does feel good to finish this project, and except for a couple of small pieces, I totally decimated the Christmas fabric stash!!!! I have 1 1/2 inch squares cut for the double nine patch, which is my next goal to finish.

Blessings to Ya'll !!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fabric Give-a-way

I've only been a blogger for about 9 months, but it has enriched (and overloaded LOL) my quilting life! I've been inspired, intimidated, challenged, and affirmed, but the one thing that has blessed me the most is receiving fabric whether it be in a give-a-way, a swap or as a gift. Then using that fabric in a project - makes me think outside myself and "connect" with that person. So, "It is better to give than to receive" and I'm going to offer a small fabric give-a-way each month on the 15th. I'll run the give-a-way for a few days (less than a week) and then draw for the winner. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and tell me a sewing "trick" or "gadget" that is your favorite. Mine is the block design boards that I learned from Janet O.

Blessings to Each and Everyone of You !!

Monday, February 13, 2012

-a little patchwork-

I actually finished this a few days ago - just the flimsy - and wanted to show how cute it turned out. This was a sew-a-long that Cheri hosted. Hopefully I'll get it quilted shortly.

Blessings to Ya'll !!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Farmer's Wife Sow-a-long

Randy is hosting a Sow-a-long of the Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt. As you know I received the book for a Christmas Gift and I've been sewing some of the blocks for a Christmas Sampler quilt I am making. For those blocks I converted them to 8" blocks. But I thought it would be fun to do a Sow-a-long and see what others are making. Went to my scrap drawer and pondered what I would use for this Sow-a-long and came up with this:

These scraps have been around a LOOOONG time - some were mine, some were from my MIL and others from who knows where - but I thought it would be fun to make blocks with just solids - I've never done that and kinda wanted to use up these scraps.

So here's our first three blocks. As you can see, for some I have made a Christmas Sampler block, and I thought it would be fun to show both.

I'm looking forward to this week's blocks. So glad that Randy's mom is doing better.

Blessings to Ya'll !!

Friday, February 10, 2012

How do you like to sew?

It's a cool, damp morning. My morning chores (breakfast/kitchen cleaned up, baby bottle goats fed, cow milked and milk strained, and other goats checked).

So, I brewed a pot of tea:

Put Beethoven in the CD player:

And now I'm going to "sit right down" and have some fun!!

Have a Blessed Happy Day !!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mystery Quilt-a-long

Cheri is have a cute little quilt sew-a-long, and I resisted until yesterday (Day two)!! The little nine patch was just too cute!! So I joined in and am having fun!

Day One

Day Two


Looking forward to the mystery reveal!

Blessings to Ya'll

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Assistance Please!!!

Remember the Maple Star Blocks that I won in our guild drawing?  Well, I'm wanting to get them pieced into a flimsy. Want to use fabric from my stash, but not sure if what I have is what I like. So, need your opinion. I know pictures are always a true to color or dimension, but any input would be greatly appreciated!

I've been working on Christmas Sampler blocks. To date I have 47 blocks done, so only 17 more to go to get the number that I want. These are my latest finishes.

Blessings to Ya'll !!!!