
Friday, February 10, 2012

How do you like to sew?

It's a cool, damp morning. My morning chores (breakfast/kitchen cleaned up, baby bottle goats fed, cow milked and milk strained, and other goats checked).

So, I brewed a pot of tea:

Put Beethoven in the CD player:

And now I'm going to "sit right down" and have some fun!!

Have a Blessed Happy Day !!


  1. What an industrious woman! I see your design boards in the photo. Don't you love them? I wonder how I ever sewed without them!
    Recently my sewing is more of the late night variety. I seem to be running here and there all day and when things finally slow down I need some sewing therapy. I like to put some old black and white sitcoms (Andy Griffith, Dick Van Dyke, I Love Lucy, etc.) in the DVD player--or possibly a black and white comedy from the 1930s or 40s. I chuckle as I sew and it is a great stress release. If I have a more calm day I like to put a Jane Austen or Charles Dickens-type BBC production in and follow the storyline as I sew.

  2. What a glorious day!
    I am trying to put more music on all day. I think it soothes the dog too ;-) really doesn't even have to be quiet music either.
    I plan to applique today and do some hand quilting.
    Enjoy your tea and sewing.
    The baby goats souns oh so sweet.

  3. My kind of day for crafting and sewing! I am not an experience seamstress, but am learning thanks to the motivation I get from women here in blogland like you, Doniene.
    Thanksfor sharing.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Recently, I've just been grabbing a few minutes here and there to quilt by machine or hand. I've started listening to books on tape while I machine stitch, but only when it is of the mindless variety. I hand stitch at my dining room table and love it when the house is quiet.

  5. You've described a relaxing, productive day here. Just the kind I like to have as often as I can.

    I hopped over to your blog from Maureen's post, where she asked how to wash an old quilt. I read through your informative comment and I just HAD to come over here and see your daughter's vintage wedding dress. It is absolutely wonderful! It's unique and fits the beautiful bride like it was made for her. It was meant to be! The Quilt Soak certainly did its job.


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!