
Sunday, August 28, 2016


I did add the follow button at the bottom of my new blog if you want to follow me on it!

Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement over the past few years. I treasure each friendship I've made in blogland!

Now It's Just Quilts II!

Be Blessed!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Time For A Change!

I mentioned before that I got an iPad so blogging would be easier!LOL It was trying for this old dog to learn a new trick! I do have a photo blog and posting on it seemed fine, but I couldn't seem to get my posts to look the way I wanted for my quilt blog. So...I've started a new quilt blog. Simple straight forward, no gadgets, nothing extra right now. I will be posting my quilt news to that blog now. 

My first post is a grandaughter's baby quilt that I finished about three weeks ago. I hand quilted it with large Baptist fans. The fabrics were Potluck by American Jane for Moda! The centers were a panel of Dick and Jane with farm animals! Perfect for our newest little cowgirl!

Hope this finds each of you doing well. We are enjoying cooler weather and right now I'm sitting outside watching a light shower, and listening to the thunder!

Be Blessed!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

HELLO! Can you hear me now.....?

...well I am still around and kicking and doing quite well frankly, even though you might not have asked!!! LOL

Life here in the spring is my busiest time, but I finally have a couple of quilting finishes!!!! Yeah for Me!!!!

You've seen this quilt before, but it is now an official finish and on our bed!!! Even some small quilts for the night stands and dresser!!

I also finished a small quilt and coasters for a dear friend's birthday. Yes, the gift was a bit late!!! But DONE nonetheless!!! She LOVES coffee and Connecting threads had cute coffee fabric, so voila!

Well, I'm off for now!! Hope this finds each of you busy with whatever you love to do!!!

Blessings and hugs!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

2016 Plans

Now that I finally got finished recapping 2015 how about a little peek at my quilting plans for this year!
I think I might be a bit selfish, as I want to make some quilts for "ME". I have a work table in my laundry room and I have a couple of table topper quilts that I use on it. I thought it would fun to have a quilt for each month to use! The fit I like is a quilt that measures about 24" x 36". So not too big and a great way to use up some of my stash - another goal - make them without having to purchase any fabric!!
It was easy to start as I already had quilts made for January and February.

I finished binding the March quilt this past weekend and got it out today! (Did a little picking up and cleaning!!)

Simple quilting, but a new border design. 

Blessings and hugs to each and every one!!!!

Monday, February 22, 2016

2015 Recap Finale...

...aren't you glad!!!! Here are some finishes from my "block bonanza".

A baby quilt for a family friend. (Sorry about the poor photo, but it was already gifted before I realized the photo was not good.)

Country Roads, a SAL from Lori over at Humble Quilts.

"Warm Memories" - a quilt I made for Mike's cousin and his wife.

Hope this finds each of you enjoying a blessed day!

Monday, February 15, 2016

2015 Recap Continued...

I'm back!! This will be mostly a photo one, so enjoy! Some of these are in flimsy mode and the first is comprised of four inch log cabin blocks made from scraps from one of the Christmas bed quilts.

This one is a quilt that I have been working on for several years. I call this my " Anniversary Quilt". The blocks are called " Rocky Mountain Bride". Mike and I were married in the midst of the Medicine Bow National Forest in southern Wyoming. So thought this was perfect for an anniversary quit. I just won't tell you which one it was planned for!! Lol My goal is to get it quilted this year!!

This flimsy has five inch stars and the fabric was gifted to me by a dear friend. As you can see, it is basted and ready to go. It is just table runner size.

These double nine patches are basted and ready to quilt. There are actually two twin size quilts that are on my "finish this year list".

Two more stacks of blocks that have been leader/ended projects.

There will be one more installment in a few days.

Blessings and hugs to all of you!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

2015 Recap

I know it is a bit late - oh my gravy!! It's February 11th!!!! But I have been missing my blogging buddies, so have purposed to reconnect. I asked for an iPad for Christmas, and my children blessed me! One of my main desires, was to be able to take photos with the iPad and post directly without having to upload photos from my camera to the desktop. But alas, a big learning curve to master a blog post. I must confess, though, I have been doing other things on the computer, so have not been on blogger much. But here goes!

I have a veeeeerrrrryyyyy llooonnnnnngggggg list of quilts that I want to make - okay now, tell the truth, you do too!!!!! LOL!!!!! So, for 2015' I purposed to piece " a block a day for the year". 365 blocks goes a long way toward making a quilt or two, thus, making some quilts on my list. Now we all know that you don't make it to the sewing room every day, but some days you get in an hour or two, right?! So technically, I didn't piece every day, but I did stitch up 524 blocks in 2015! 

Some of the blocks have been assembled, quilted and gifted, but here is a sampling of what I have in various stages of completion.

Time Warp Stars - you know me and star blocks! There are more than 100 I this stack and I have a few more to complete.

This is a stack of chunky churn dash blocks that are from 30's repro fabrics that were gifted to me from my oldest daughter. She thinks she will inherit the quilt some day!!! LOL ( she will!!!).

This stack is scrappy nine patches. An elderly friend passed away this past year and her daughter gifted two shoe boxes of scraps to me. Alice had already assembled a couple of nine patch blocks and had several 2 1/2 inch squares cut, so to honor here, I made up the rest into the same. There are 72 blocks and I only had to add a square or two to finish.

This quilt is a queen size and is about 1/4 quilted. I made these Colorado blocks from a collection of Judie Rothermel's in tans and blues. For some reason they remind me of my dad who passed away 25 years ago. He would have loved this one. Actually, he would have loved any thing I did! He was my hero and biggest fan. Miss him sometimes.

I will continue this theme tomorrow.  I have several other photos, but since this is my first iPad post, I'm hoping it goes better than it did yesterday when I lost all my post!

Hope this finds each and everyone of you enjoying a new year of happiness and productivity!
