
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Time For A Change!

I mentioned before that I got an iPad so blogging would be easier!LOL It was trying for this old dog to learn a new trick! I do have a photo blog and posting on it seemed fine, but I couldn't seem to get my posts to look the way I wanted for my quilt blog. So...I've started a new quilt blog. Simple straight forward, no gadgets, nothing extra right now. I will be posting my quilt news to that blog now. 

My first post is a grandaughter's baby quilt that I finished about three weeks ago. I hand quilted it with large Baptist fans. The fabrics were Potluck by American Jane for Moda! The centers were a panel of Dick and Jane with farm animals! Perfect for our newest little cowgirl!

Hope this finds each of you doing well. We are enjoying cooler weather and right now I'm sitting outside watching a light shower, and listening to the thunder!

Be Blessed!


  1. Just commented on your new blog, but had to come back and say I wish I could be sitting out watching a storm! Haven't seen one in so long I don't know if I recall what they are like. : )

  2. I just visited your new blog and left a comment.

  3. PS Lovely to see you blogging again!!

  4. Hi there, O.k. so I just have to say you don't look old enough to have a granddaughter. Love the quilt; following the new blog. Congrats to you on going forward and not quiting. Sending hugs!

  5. Happy to see you pop up in my blog reader. I'm with you on learning new changes faster than I can learn how to use it. Good to hear you're enjoying a shower too. That makes two of us! Hope you and your sweet family are doing well and tickled to see that you are still stitching and making pretty quilts.

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