
Saturday, April 30, 2016

HELLO! Can you hear me now.....?

...well I am still around and kicking and doing quite well frankly, even though you might not have asked!!! LOL

Life here in the spring is my busiest time, but I finally have a couple of quilting finishes!!!! Yeah for Me!!!!

You've seen this quilt before, but it is now an official finish and on our bed!!! Even some small quilts for the night stands and dresser!!

I also finished a small quilt and coasters for a dear friend's birthday. Yes, the gift was a bit late!!! But DONE nonetheless!!! She LOVES coffee and Connecting threads had cute coffee fabric, so voila!

Well, I'm off for now!! Hope this finds each of you busy with whatever you love to do!!!

Blessings and hugs!!


  1. The blue & tan quilt is my favorite. Such calming colors.

  2. Such a cute gift :)
    Congratulations on your bedroom "set"! It's beautiful

  3. So good to hear from you, my friend!!
    Looks like you have managed to do some lovely quilting amidst your ranching. What a beautiful finish for your bed, and you know your little quilts from the leftovers made my heart beat faster!! Wonderful additions to your decor.
    Sweet gifts for your friend. You are so thoughtful!
    Always nice to see what your busy, creative hands have been up to. : )

  4. Hi, I have to say that I absolutely love your bed quilt and the colors you used. I'm in the midst of hand quilting the border on our queen size Log Cabin(Barn Raising)that I worked on this winter. I'll be glad when it's finished, but will have to make pillow shams too. Love your small items and patterns for your night stands and dresser! Well done dear friend.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Doesn't it feel great to get projects finished. Love all the quilts!

  6. I love your finished quilt. I bet it looks great on your bed. You minis are nice too. Hugs

  7. Oh my goodness! Your quilt is absolutely stunning! Your heart must sing with joy when you make up the bed each morning, as well as snuggle beneath it's warmth at the close of each day. It's a beautiful pattern and you've chosen lovely fabrics. What ARE we going to do without access to fabrics at Gypsy Market? We were so spoiled, but honestly, I have enough of a stash that I certainly do not need any more fabric.
    I hope you are all well and enjoying a green spring. I imagine you are getting close to lambing season!

  8. I took a long break, too! LOL! But you've got a lot to show for your time away! What beautiful work you do, Doniene!! :)


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  10. I wish I could say my blogging breaks were from spending more time on quilting rather than lack of internet connections. In truth, it is the other way around. My very most favorite color combination is any shade of blue and brown so your quilt sings to me for more than just your fine work and choice of pattern.


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