
Friday, March 27, 2015

Black Beauty

Remember me???? I'm now considered a "lurking blogger". I occasionally lurk around blog land, leave a comment once in a while and then disappear again! I'm amazed/intimidated/humbled by those of you who can put together a post once a week. Now those of you who post every day - do you even sleep!!!!!

I have been stitching and have several finishes to share, but first I wanted to share the new addition to my sewing room. Her name is "Black Beauty" and she was "born" March 31, 1891. She was originally a treadle machine, but was converted to electricity later in her life. We are just getting acquainted but I'm am very excited she is here with me. I have wanted a Singer Featherweight for a couple of years, but really haven't pursued finding one, just occasionally perusing flea markets, antique fairs, etc, so when I saw Beauty, I had a nice conversation with the gentleman who had her displayed at his flea market booth. I walked away, but I couldn't stop thinking about her. I did some research on-line and found that she was really a treasure and I would love to do some piecing on her. It was a full month before I returned to the flea market (it is open two weekends a month) and imagine my dismay when Beauty wasn't sitting on his display table. But I asked if him if he remembered me and if he still had the machine and he said "of course" on both counts. We traveled to the gentleman's home the next day and tried her out. She needs the electric cords replaced, but let me tell you - she purrs like a contended mama cat!

I really didn't realize that sewing machines from this era had such beautiful decals until I pieced a jigsaw puzzle of sewing notions that my daughter gave me for my birthday. After I pieced it, I mounted it in a frame and put it in my sewing room. It isn't a great photo, but you can see the four machines in the puzzle.

Her carrying case isn't pretty, but very sturdy and functional. I really don't plan to carry her around much, as I was to build a table cabinet just for her. 

Blessings and hugs to each and every one!


  1. I am so happy for you! That is an appropriate name for a machine with such wonderful decals!
    It is good to see a post from you. I look forward to seeing the finishes you mentioned.
    And thank you so much for the "visit" we had. Such a delightful pleasure!

  2. I guess that machine was just waiting for you. Have fun with your new toy!

  3. How wonderful. You have been missed. Hope to see some of your new projects soon. Hugs

  4. She is a beauty and she found a perfect home!
    Beautiful story and I like the case too :-)

  5. She is a beauty and she found a perfect home!
    Beautiful story and I like the case too :-)

  6. Such a beautiful machine! You'll have so much fun "getting to know her". I, too, have trouble putting together frequent posts. Happy stitching!

  7. Hi Doniene! So nice to see you in bloglandia again :) your new sewing machine is indeed a beauty, and I'm so happy for you. Enjoy playing with her!!

  8. What a wonderful addition to your sewing room. It sounds lilke you're reallly enjoying your new/old sewing machine. I'm so glad she was still waiting for you when you returned to purchase her. Enjoy!

  9. I like the floral decals on the machine. Nice!

  10. Doniene, so nice to 'see' you! Your machine truly is a beauty -- aptly named!! :)

  11. I love the curved edges of the machine bed - and those decals are so ornamental, huh? Looks like you got a real treasure! I have my grandma's old black Singer - sews like a champ still. Congrats on your new baby!

  12. Oh, she is lovely! And the decals are fantastic... I'm glad Black Beauty has a wonderful new home... happy piecing!

  13. Hi dear friend, I totally understand not getting around to everyone-or blogging on a regular basis(you are a very busy lady after all). I still post as often as I can, but finding the time to visit all the blogs I follow is nearly impossible. Now-what a treasure you got when you bought Black Beauty. I have an old Singer treadle, but it doesn't run. I would have loved a featherweight when I went to quilt shows and classes. I know you'll have so much fun with her.
    Hope you spring is wonderful!
    Hugs, Noreen

  14. I love your new Black Beauty.....and have really missed your blog! Love, Joy

  15. Welcome to your new home, Black Beauty! (Great name by the way!) What a gorgeous machine, Doniene and what a find! Great that her decals look so good still; the ones on my old machine barely remain but I do like to think it's because she's been so well loved! Have fun with her!

  16. Hello! I tend to 'lurk' as well and came across your blog. I'm glad I did. I look forward to reading more.
    I have a machine like that too! I purchased it in December, it was my Christmas gift. Mine is in a treadle cabinet with a "coffin" lid that has been beautifully restored. It hasn't been converted.
    How did you find the date for it?

  17. Oh, she is so, sew, pretty!! I know you will enjoy sewing with her. Even looking at her is fun. Nice to have so many attachments too.
    Thank you for sharing!

  18. Oh my Doniene - she is a Beauty indeed!!! Love all those amazing decals :*) They sure don't make them like they used to.... does that make me sound old? LOL!!!

  19. She is gorgeous Doniene! How very fun!
    I also love your puzzle...I'm a puzzler too :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. What a wonderful discovery...... This beautiful thing fits right in to your love for the good ways, and good living lifestyle, she's classy like you!


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