
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Encourage - My Word for 2015

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My goal is to get to know 5 bloggers better, write more handwritten cards, and make random gifts.

Blessings to all for the New Year!


  1. I love your word themes for the year!
    I am certain 2015 will be filled with many new and exciting stitching adventures...we can make it so 😀

  2. Gelukkig Nieuwjaar, Doniene!


  3. That's a neat goal Doniene! Happy New Year!

  4. Love it, Doniene!! You've set some very meaningful goals . . . here's to 2015!! Hugs and Happy New Year! :)

  5. I am not at all surprised that your goals involve nice things for other people. That is the kind of person you are!

  6. Awesome!!! We need more lovely people like you in the world Doniene :)

  7. Happy New Year, Doniene!!! Encourage is a great word for the coming year! May there be much quilting in your future.

  8. That was my word for 2013. This year I have selected "patience".

  9. A great idea Doniene! And I echo Janet's comment. I love the sentiments of your 'word'.Wishing you a very happy and creative 2015. Hugsx

  10. I like it! My unofficial word is - Love. Love everyone a little bit more expecting nothing in return. You know, unconditional....gee that's hard. Happy New year!

  11. Doniene, you are already an encourager whether you realize that or not. You have encouraged me many times ! I need to be more attentive so that is probably my word

  12. Always thinking of others! You are such a sweet blessing to all who know you dear lady!

  13. Hi sweet friend, Love your word for this New Year. When I got mine, I had no idea that would be my theme-Hope. Going to be having surgery in the next 3 weeks or so and it's a bit frightening. Holding onto Him is what comforts me.
    You are such an encourager and I count myself blessed to know you, even in cyberspace.
    Hugs, Noreen

  14. Good luck with your goals. I try to write handwritten notes for many occasions.

  15. Wonderful goals Doniene! Last year I decided to send as many cards as possible - aiming for 365, one for each day of the year. I made it to 250+ so I was well pleased. I keep a journal listing who I send them to and why; otherwise, I'll forget and send 2 birthday cards. :) It was so fun and everyone loves getting a card. blessings, marlene

  16. That is one thing that is not enough of in this world. Great goal for 2015. Have a great year.

  17. Doniene, miss you blogging. How are things up to you?

  18. Doniene, miss you blogging. How are things up to you?

  19. Happy New Year Doniene, I like your word "encourage" for the new year! I
    also like your goal,I haven't been blogging much as life situations have kept me busy, it is so nice to visit you again.


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!