
Friday, December 19, 2014

Merry Christmas

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Just a short note to wish each of you, my dear friends a blessed time with your families and loved ones during this wonderful holiday season!

I've had camera/computer issues, so am unable to post any photos of my quilting activities. But several of my friends have posted some of my recent finishes. So if you don't mind following links, here is a tour of my projects!

Guild's Brown Bag Challenge

The Christmas Goose

Star of Wonder

More Brown Bag Challenge

My new passion/project (like I needed another!!! LOL) is knitting. I've been doing simple projects, but hope to venture into mittens and socks next year. I'll post photos when the camera/computer issue is resolved!

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Lori's SAL

I haven't done a SAL in aaaaaaggggggeeeeesssss! So when I was reading Maureen's blog post about Lori's latest SAL, I jumped right in - well almost - I didn't start until this morning but I'm all caught up!

I don't just have a baggie of 1 1/2" squares, I have a whole box full. In fact, at the present not counting Lori's SAL, I have 2 other projects going using these small squares - plus a third one in the planning. So, what's one more!!! LOL

I delved into my trusty box and also cut a few from the current scrap box and set the needle to flying.

Thanks Lori for hosting the SAL and thanks Maureen for inspiring me to participate!!

Blessings to all. I know that most of us are in a cold snap, so stay warm!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

I HAVE Been Stitching - Just not Posting!

I really don't know where the time goes!!! Maybe because I'm getting older...surely that's not it!!! LOL

Well, over the past couple of months since my last post I have finished several quilting projects. So thought I'd squeeze in a few minutes on this wonderful Sunday afternoon and share them with you.

Firstly, I used the scraps from the CWR quilt and made three small quilts for our night stands and my dresser.

My next finish is the first of six Christmas quilts that I am making for each of the beds in our house. I hope to finish three this year and three next year. I call this one "Joys of Christmas". As you can see, it is a sampler, many of which were in the Farmer's Wife book. I converted them to 8 inch blocks.

I won the September blocks in our guild's Block Exchange. I got on the ball and pieced it into a top and got it all quilted in less than a months time. It went quickly as there were 22 blocks and I only had to make two more to have a 4 x 6 setting. I call it "Sparkling Friendship Stars".

It is cotton harvest time here in Texas, and though we don't farm, there are several big fields near our ranch. This is the first year in several that the cotton farmers have made a crop and we are so happy for them - plus we quilter's can appreciate 100% Cotton! Thus, I couldn't resist a photo shoot in the cotton fields!

Hope each of you are enjoying this cooler season as we are in Texas!


Monday, September 15, 2014

Another Finish!

This was a quilt top that I've had for over a year. It belongs to a friend of my daughter, Mandie. She bought it at a garage sale for $1!! (Boy, I wish I had been at that garage sale!!!) This was a fun one to quilt, because I never tired of seeing the next fabric!!! So this is a post full of photos...

...Did you Savor every fun fabric?!!!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Colors of the Sea

Another finish that occurred in the past couple of weeks was a "wedding quilt" for some dear friends - but they've been married for almost 5 years - so I was waaaaaaay behind on this one. Oh well, it's done now!!

I called it "Colors of the Sea" - a simple one patch square set on point in different blues. I actually had help with this one - Mandie pieced the top and then I quilted it. I must confess that I started hand quilting it about 4 years ago, but it got set aside. I realized that it would never get finished if I kept hand quilting so I finished up with machine quilting. I did a simple wave pattern to fit the "Sea" theme".

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Quilter's Book Club Flimsy

Last year I participated in Starwood Quilter's on-line Book Club. Those that participated, read the selected book, participated in an on-line discussion, and could choose to make a quilt block. I chose to do my blocks as redwork patterns and I FINALLY finished the last one a couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure when it will get quilted, there are several other flimsys I would like to quilt first. The red work patterns were of my our research/design (mostly from Google Images) and the fabrics were gifted to me. I thought it will make a great summer/sit under the tree and read a good book quilt!

Book/Block 1: "The Persian Pickle Club" by Sandra Dallas

Book/Block 2: "A Single Thread" by Marie Bostwick

Book/Block 3: "The Quilter's Apprentice" by Jennifer Chiaverini

Book/Block 4: "Alice's Tulips" by Sandra Dallas

Book/Block 5: "The Lover's Knot" by Clare O'Donohue

Book/Block 6: "Wedding Ring" by Emilie Richards

Book/Block 7: "Between Heaven and Texas" by Marie Bostwick

Book/Block 8: "The Goodbye Quilt" by Susan Wiggs

Book/Block 9: "State Fair: A Benni Harper Mystery" by Earlene Fowler

Book/Block 10: "The Christmas Quilt: An Elm Creek Novel" by Jennifer Chiaverini

Book/Block 11: "The Healing Quilt" by Lauraine Snelling

Book/Block 12: "Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker" by Jennifer Chiaverini

Center Block

And that's a wrap!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Quilt News!!!

I realize that it has been exactly 2 months since my last post - but I HAVE been doing some quilty stuff! It has been a very busy summer for me and I have found time to stitch, just haven't made time to take photos and post! But tonight, I did it!! So here goes...

This has been the year for Hand Quilted projects for me. As you know I finished TWQ!!!! Yeah!! Then a hand quilted quilt for Granson #1. Another Yeah!!! And.......Hand Quilted project #3 - a quilt for Granson #2 and guess what!! It was done a month early! I had it finished for the baby shower on July 20 and  he's not due until August 23!! That's a miracle!! And here it is!

The Front

The Back

The Gift Table at the Shower

Since then, I've been working on the BOMs in which I'm participating. 

Benjamin Biggs
The first six finished, #7 in progress, #8 pattern downloaded

Where Poppies Grow
Remembering Elmo
First 5 finished. Number six in progress, Fabrics chosen for 7, #8 will be posted on Sunday.

Threads of Memory
Totally caught up - Block #7

All seven blocks setting in progress. 
Sometimes when I look at it, I think the gold and the honey kind of clash,
But both colors are in the border fabric (which isn't in the photo), so I think it will pull it all together.

I finished a UFO!!! Remember Randy's SAL - Barrister's Blocks (I think we did it in 2012- correct me if I'm wrong).. I followed along very well until the last few blocks. Then other things/quilts took precedence and the blocks got put in box up on a shelf. After I finished Tygh's quilt, I cleaned up and reorganized my sewing room, fabric, etc and decided to finish up the flimsy. I had 62 blocks finished, so stitched up one more for a 7 x 9 setting. Then added the sashing, cornerstones and borders. I call it 

"Stained Glass Sampler"
(any suggestions on a better name?)

Gracen's eyes lit up and she clapped when she saw this! I have no plans to quilt it right now, so it will go in my flimsy pile. Maybe Gracen will choose it someday for me to quilt!

Speaking of Gracen - here's a couple of photos of our little sweet girl!

In the garden

Riding - one of her favorite things to do!

With Cousin Asa!

I do have one more little finish. I hadn't done any FMQ for a couple of months, so "practiced" on a small quilt. The colors reminded me of my red geraniums, so I did a little photo shoot in the garden.

Hope this finds each of you having a wonderful summer! 
And remember:
