
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Lori's SAL

I haven't done a SAL in aaaaaaggggggeeeeesssss! So when I was reading Maureen's blog post about Lori's latest SAL, I jumped right in - well almost - I didn't start until this morning but I'm all caught up!

I don't just have a baggie of 1 1/2" squares, I have a whole box full. In fact, at the present not counting Lori's SAL, I have 2 other projects going using these small squares - plus a third one in the planning. So, what's one more!!! LOL

I delved into my trusty box and also cut a few from the current scrap box and set the needle to flying.

Thanks Lori for hosting the SAL and thanks Maureen for inspiring me to participate!!

Blessings to all. I know that most of us are in a cold snap, so stay warm!!


  1. You started this morning and you are caught up?!?
    I cut my squares the day Lori posted part 1 and I still haven't sewn a stitch. Hope I can follow your example in the next day or two. Looks fun! : )

  2. haha good on you! I saw this on Maureen's blog too and was sorely tempted... haven't had a chance to do anything about it though!

  3. I will join in when I get home. Right now I'm at the Pensacola FL airport waiting on a flight. We fly standby, so I hope we make it all the way to Portland by tonight.

  4. Janet's comment -- haha!! I ditto her sentiment! Look at that box filled with squares...WOW!!! :)

  5. I'm thinking I want to do that SAL too....maybe........???

  6. That was quick! you've already got the second step done. I hope to start that this evening. Enjoy!

  7. I have a container with bunches of squares too but have not yet started the sew-along. It takes time to cut as many squares as you have in that box!


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