
Sunday, November 2, 2014

I HAVE Been Stitching - Just not Posting!

I really don't know where the time goes!!! Maybe because I'm getting older...surely that's not it!!! LOL

Well, over the past couple of months since my last post I have finished several quilting projects. So thought I'd squeeze in a few minutes on this wonderful Sunday afternoon and share them with you.

Firstly, I used the scraps from the CWR quilt and made three small quilts for our night stands and my dresser.

My next finish is the first of six Christmas quilts that I am making for each of the beds in our house. I hope to finish three this year and three next year. I call this one "Joys of Christmas". As you can see, it is a sampler, many of which were in the Farmer's Wife book. I converted them to 8 inch blocks.

I won the September blocks in our guild's Block Exchange. I got on the ball and pieced it into a top and got it all quilted in less than a months time. It went quickly as there were 22 blocks and I only had to make two more to have a 4 x 6 setting. I call it "Sparkling Friendship Stars".

It is cotton harvest time here in Texas, and though we don't farm, there are several big fields near our ranch. This is the first year in several that the cotton farmers have made a crop and we are so happy for them - plus we quilter's can appreciate 100% Cotton! Thus, I couldn't resist a photo shoot in the cotton fields!

Hope each of you are enjoying this cooler season as we are in Texas!



  1. Great little quilts, Doniene. Love each one of them, but I am very partial to the little tumblers. Isn't it fun to add that personal touch to your rooms?
    Your Christmas quilt is beautiful! You have been very busy. Love these two big finishes (as I hang my head in shame for having none). : )
    You have so much going on but still manage to complete projects. I am impressed and inspired!

  2. Was wondering when you were gonna harvest all that cotton!! It looks great and so do your beautiful quilts!

  3. The quilt with the pinks is delightful. The simple four patch a good table topper. You have been busy!

  4. You have been busy -- you've made some super darling, cute quilts! I really like your "Sparkling Friendship Stars" piece. It's lovely! We've had a great cotton crop here, too -- if they can just get it harvested before it's rained out!! :)

  5. Well done!! You are so prolific!! Beautiful quilts Doniene - love the photos in the cotton fields. The small runners for your room are gorgeous too. Cotton must be slightly finicky to grow, or is it the weather is too finicky? Lovely quilting too :-)

  6. Wonderful quilts, and I love them photographed in the cotton field! I hope they have a good crop and market price.

  7. All of your beautiful quilts look wonderful in the cotton fields !! You have been a busy girl :-D

  8. I love your idea of making Christmas quilts for all your beds! It is gorgeous. I'm glad too that the Texas farmers had a better year. We recently moved to Oregon where their is a lot of rain, even though they say it has been less than average. Love the cotton field pictures!

  9. Your little quilts add such a lovely personal touch to your tables and dresser

    My grandpa used to pull me along on his cotton sack when I was a wee child. Obviously, that was before mechanical pickers.

  10. Oh my goodness! Love every single one of them!
    That cotton field backdrop is so beautiful and fun!
    Gorgeous stuff!

  11. I hope you bring your toppers...I love your colors ! I had not realized some of the blocks in that sampler were FW blocks....But now that I'm looking I see a bunch of them. You make beautiful things Doniene.

  12. Hi, You are one of the most prolific quilters I know-wow is all I can say. Love each one and your quilting is fabulous too. I've just started a new "fall"quilt in batiks, hope to have it done sooner than my Alaska quilt.

  13. You have been busy! Wonderful quilts and love the photos taken in the cotton fields.

  14. Love your quilty things.....large and small. I was especially impressed with your photo shoot in the cotton field. Brought back some sweet memories. Thanks for sharing.

  15. You sure have been stitching! Love the quilt among the cotton. Great photo op!

  16. I love seeing your quilts out in the cotton fields - they look so wonderful!

    All three of those smaller quilts are darling! Such a beautiful Christmas quilt too. WOW you are making 6? All I can say is REMARKABLE!

    That Pink & Brown Friendship Stars turned out to be such a pretty one! Congratulations on winning those blocks. I'll bet your guild members will be thrilled when they see what you've done with them!

  17. What a beautiful setting for showing off your quilts, Doniene! Love seeing the cotton fields... it's a change from the rows and rows of corn that I'm use to here in Iowa!
    I love the dresser quilts you finished... great colors and designs. I admire your commitment to 6 six Christmas quilts for your home. What a wonderful ambition!


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!