
Sunday, May 11, 2014


I know that I have mentioned The Wedding Quilt aka TWQ, several times over the past year or so. is FINISHED!!!!! We delivered it to our son and dil yesterday, so I can now reveal the photos. Thanks to all of you who continued to encourage me on this journey.

The quilt is my own original design, though I was inspired by a design on a gift bag. DD#2 sketched the pattern to size, DD#3 helped choose fabrics and DD#1 did some of my chores so I could get in more quilting time. TWQ measures  95 " square and is hand appliqued and hand quilted. Every stitch was stitched with love and prayers! When I worked on it I called it - "Heirloom Time"!

Without further ado...

By the way - I entered TWQ in our guild's annual quilt show and it received 1st place in its category! I was surprised but very pleased!

This project was definitely a "journey" from selecting a pattern/design, to choosing fabrics, to appliqueing, to piecing the borders, to marking the quilting designs, to quilting, to fixing the mistakes - but a very fulfilling journey - one that took:

Blessings to each and every one of you wonderful blogging friends!


  1. Schitterend werk, Doniene!!
    What a beautiful heirloom. Absolutely deserved 1st prize!!


  2. There is no better present than a quilt with your love in every stitch. Congratulations on a job well done and a prize to boot!

  3. Absolutely beautiful, a job well done, and congratulations on winning.

  4. Such a beautiful journey. Congrats on first place. Hugs

  5. Congratulations on the award - well-deserved!

  6. Heirloom is absolutely the right word here! What a treasure you have created. It is beautiful in design and workmanship (and in one of my favorite color combinations!!). I am not at all surprised that it took 1st in its category. Must be such a good feeling to have it finished--and to be rewarded for all of that work with a winning ribbon! Well done!! : )

  7. Congratulations Doniene! It is gorgeous!
    Beautiful work ;)

  8. Your quilting is absolutely flawless.....every stitch the same length. You deserved that ribbon and way more Doniene !

  9. Your quilt is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for the lovely pictures of it. I am sure son and DIL will treasure it forever.

  10. Absolutely stunning Doniene, the story, the appliqué, the quilting. What a wonderful heirloom.


  11. Beautiful! Such pretty shading in the fabrics for the applique. Wonderful quilting. Just a stunning finish, an heirloom for sure!

  12. What a gorgeous quilt! Well deserving of that prize ribbon.

    I'm sure this quilt will be well loved and cherished by your son & dil. Truly a treasure to receive!

  13. A beautiful bed quilt. The quilting design is showcased with the quilt design.

  14. It's just gorgeous! Congratulations on the beautiful design and quilting!

  15. Oh, my! It's simply stunning, Doniene! I can only imagine how lovely it is in person. Truly an heirloom to be treasured. It doesn't get much better than a quilt stitched with love and prayers. i always love the story behind the quilt and from its earliest beginnings, this one was truly a labor of love. it just looks like perfection on the bed! I can only imagine how much joy your girl must have when making her bed each morning.

  16. Doniene, how could I have missed your beautiful posts? I love this quilt - I do remember seeing it at your house over a year ago but was too polite to examine it too closely - I should have!! It is such an amazing heirloom and looks beautiful on your son's bed. Congratulations on the well deserved win!!!

  17. Just checking in! Wow! TWQ is fabulous! So fun to finally see it. Extra special with all the help you received and how it is designed by you and stitched with so much love! Congrats on the finish!


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!