
Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Okay, I started out the year with a definite quilt making plan - finish UFOs, a couple of baby quilts and nothing else. I knew I was going to do ONE BOM - Barbara Brackman's "Threads of Memory" - it was ALL pieced stars - so of course I was going to do it!!! I even knew how I was going to set it!

I'm going to use a different border, but just loved this!! I even used fabrics from my stash, though I did add some neutrals from Connecting Threads in Indigo, Gold and Cream to tone down the busy prints from Judie Rothermel's "Indigo, Pewter and Honey" collection.

So, I was doing good until I saw the Benjamin Biggs quilt blocks roaming around in blog land. I loved the green and red and really wanted to make it in that - but didn't have any red and green in my stash that I thought would work. Then one night in mid January just before I fell asleep (don't all of you think about quilts just before you go to sleep??!!! LOL) Ah Hah! I will use some white on navy prints that I was gifted and use cheddar as the complement. Well, I'm caught all the way up with the first three blocks and have really enjoyed hand appliqueing these! I can say I'm getting better! And I'm thoroughly enjoying the process!

But I didn't stop there. Pickle Dish is hosting another BOM called "Remembering Almo" in honor of WWI Veterans. My paternal grandfather was in the army at the end of WWI and though he didn't see action, as a child I remember the stories that he told about that time. He was honored and proud to serve his country. So, of course I'm doing this one too!!

And here are my first two blocks!

These are fun as they are pieced and appliqued. I'm also hand appliqueing the laurel wreaths for these blocks.

Well, hope this finds all well with each and every one of you.

Remember: PERSEVERE!


  1. Oh my, Doniene, you are doing amazing applique!
    I love the indigo and cheddar combination. Your TOM project setting is wonderful, too. Look at all these incredible quilts you will have at year's end!
    Okay, but you and I were going to be strong and stick to our UFOs this year. Now I will have to confess where I have strayed! *LOL*

  2. Gorgeous stuff! Oh no, now I may get sucked in! Your applique is just beautiful!

  3. It seems to me that you are following your heart - now is there anything wrong with that? :-)! I love what you have been up to! I too was tempted by Benjamin Biggs but decided not to.... after seeing yours though in the 'new' colourway - ohlala! Your PickleDish work is also gorgeous - your handwork is beautiful!

  4. Haha. You're so funny, Doniene. I do exactly as you do. There are so many quilts just waiting to be started. I'm great at starting new projects. It's the finishing them that slows me down. All of your quilts will be beautiful!

  5. I love your navy/cheddar/white blocks! They are beautiful and can't wait to see the finished product :)

  6. Well, the year isn't over yet. Maybe one of those will get finished ... or maybe you will find something else calling to you through the night.

  7. My goodness girl!!! You sound like me LOL :*) But such lovely projects - I don't think I would have been able to resist either. I especially love that blue and cheddar applique - oo-la-la!!!!

  8. Gorgeous is an understatement when describing all of these amazing pieced and/or applique' blocks you've been working on!

    The Blue & Cheddar combination for your B.B. quilt is fabulous!

    I'm happy to see you've been bitten by the Applique' bug - your work is beautiful!

  9. Your applique is fantastic. I so love all your projects. It is nice to see somebody else working on so many projects. Hugs

  10. Oh my goodness...point me to the Benjamin Biggs block site ! I love those and I think yours are striking in navy and cheddar ! And I do love the Threads of Memory as well...stars ! Yes, Of course I'm thinking of and planning quilts while going to sleep...that's normal right ? LOL

  11. YIKES! I started BB (just like Just Takes Two last year) but only have one almost done. The other two are merely printed patterns. Hadn't seen the Pickle Dish..uh oh. HA

  12. Good to know you dream of quilts and fabrics too :-)
    Your projects are all beautiful.
    Lovely appliqué AND piecing.
    Thank you for sharing!

  13. Actually, I think about quilts when I wake up in the morning - sometime at 3 or 4 AM. Your projects look awesome! Good luck with them. I started a new project that I haven't blogged about yet. I will soon, but it's kind of embarrassing to admit when I have so many other things to work on. Hee Hee!

  14. Oh Doniene, your post make me chuckle!! I'm collecting all three of those BOMs for "later on"! Ha!! Did you see that Barbara Brackman is doing a Jane Austen quilt/block of the week???! It starts April 6, but the blog is up and active: I love Jane Austen and may have to actually DO this one! :)

  15. You made a good choice of colors for Benjamin Biggs and are making use of stash. I often think about quilts before I go to sleep or if I wake up during the night. Sometimes I can't wait until I get into the sewing room to see if I can do whatever I thought up.

  16. YOu have been busy creating some fantastic blocks. I just love the fabrics for your BB blocks.

  17. You do lovely work. It's so easy to be tempted by all the wonderful BOM's out there. I enjoyed the pictures of you and your grandmothers too. What a precious legacy.


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