
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mug Rug & Stash Winner!

Wonderful Morning to ya'll!! We're freezing again here in Central Texas, so it's another good day to be inside snuggling with Gracen, baking cookies and sewing/quilting/knitting! Yes, the knitting bug has bitten me and I recently finished my first project. But I also have "several" sewing/quilting projects going, about which I will post later.

I've been remiss on two counts:
1) One of my Christmas gifts from Mandie was a super cute and very special "mug rug". She machine pieced the block and then hand quilted it. I LOVE it!! And I'm just now posting about it!! Bad LLama!

2) And Stephanie was the winner of the Traveling Stash Box 1. Congrats to her. I contacted her on Friday, and the box was off that afternoon.

For most of you in the U.S. - Stay warm and enjoy some great stitching time!!!! AND..


  1. Mandie's mug rug is darling :)
    Thank you for the inspirational scripture...always a good one to remember!

  2. Very cute mugrug - I love the way the steam drifts up!

  3. I'm like you ... several *different* things going on -- keeps life interesting!! I hope you enjoyed playing in the traveling stash! The mug rug is CUTE! :)

  4. Cute mug rug! It's a good thing to have lots of projects.
    Have a great week.

  5. I love the way the smoke drifts up from the mug. Well done, Mandie! (You two are so funny with your llama joke.)
    Great scripture, Doniene!

  6. I'll bet you just smile from ear to ear while you enjoy a cup of coffee... what a special mug rug!
    And a wonderful job on the hand quilting!
    Stay warm!

  7. This is so adorable! At first glance on the small picture I thought it was watermelon fabric with the green being the rind. As always, your quilting is gorgeous. I cherish the mini quilt you sent me. It is draped over the back of the deacon bench in my foyer.


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!