
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Midwinter Blues

Midwinter Blues is my first "official" finish of 2014. I had purposed this year to focus on UFOs, and I have done admirably - but I just couldn't resist doing Lori's SAL, and I am happy I did!

It went straight to my kitchen area work table and it coordinates well with my Marcrest Dot and Daisy and Polish pottery pitcher.

I love the secondary pattern that emerged around the center block (notice I did "good" about keeping this quilt humble - oops - the points don't match and the freehand Baptist fans are "squiggly"!  But I'm happy with the overall look

Thanks, Lori, for another fabulous SAL - I'm excited for the "linky party"!

Be blessed and persevere!!


  1. So sweet Doniene!!! I saw Janet O's the other day.... both of you have done a wonderful job on these! :)

  2. Hi there special friend, I hope you are having a great day! What a beautiful piece-you are right, it looks perfect on your table. I hope you are having warm weather; it is getting a bit warmer today-maybe up to 40ish. Sending lots of love and hugs your way!

  3. My goodness, quilted, bound and on display!! Aren't you a marvel! : )
    Looks wonderful, Doniene! I love the little red triangles--nice splashes of color.
    You inspire me--hopefully I can get to the quilting of mine soon!

  4. Doniene, this is really lovely!! What a beautiful first finish! :)

  5. very pretty and it does look perfect with your pottery.

  6. Oh it turned out so beautiful. My top is done and now I need to get it ready for quilting. Hugs

  7. It looks to me like the pitcher and Midwinter Blues were made for each other! Wasn't this a fun quilt-a-long? Your mini is so cute! And I'm with Janet... I love the red!

  8. Love your table throw and I love the name "Midwinter Blues"
    too cute!!

  9. Lovely... ya done good, Doniene! Congratulations on your first finish for 2014!

  10. Very beautiful Doniene, and looks so beautiful with your pottery! Thanks for sharing.

  11. It is nice seeing everyone's finished Midwinter Blues. I look first to see what was used in the sashings as the choices seem to give each one a different look.

  12. Well done - gorgeous finish, I love the colours you used ... maybe I'll make one once our winter comes!!

  13. It's perfect there on your table! Love your freehand fans!

  14. Very pretty! Love the colors, and it complements the pottery beautifully.

  15. This turned out very beautiful!
    I love your fabric choices, piecework, quilting ... ALL of it is so lovely!

  16. It's so pretty on your table! I didn't do the SAL this time - too many other things going on. I'm so glad "humble" is a good way to quilt. No more quilt police!!!

  17. I can't wait to see this one ! I love the fabric you used !!

  18. Your midwinter blues is a lovely little addition to your kitchen table :)

  19. The red is a perfect touch to the rest of your quilt. Lovely!

  20. The little quilt is lovely with your pottery pitcher. And I love the Baptist fans quilting.

  21. LOVE it! The fabric you used makes it so unique and yes, it matches your table decor wonderfully!!

  22. Doniene - I adore Polish pottery and your little quilt looks GREAT displayed with it! I need to try and do some of that Baptist Fan quilting on one of my little quilts - you did a nice job with it. Isn't it fun to see all these different versions of Midwinter Blues?

  23. This is a lovely finish. I like the way you used the same fabric in the center square and in the four side partial blocks. How wonderful that you have the quilting done already. It's on my agenda for... some day.
    It looks like your little MidWinter Blues has found a perfect home in your kitchen.

  24. I think it turned out beautifully! I've never thought of trying Baptist fans with my machine - a great idea!


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