
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Slow Sunday Stitching!!!

Blessed Sunday afternoon to each and every one of you!! Prayers and blessings continue heavenward for all those that suffered from Sandy!

Teresa is one of my favorite bloggers, because she is always so cheerful and she makes quilts that I can't even imagine in my traditional geometric brain!! I have always read her Sunday blog and thought "that's neat - she slows down and "slow stitches"!) But today, I went to Kathy's blog and read more. So, it has inspired me to do the same! Post on Sunday about my "Slow Stitching" and link up with others!

Here are my "Slow Sunday Stitching" projects:

5 inch Lemoyne stars pieced by hand and 1 1/4" (unfinished) hst for a border around the stars. Not sure if I'm going to do sashing or not.

Rocky Mountain Bride block - one finished, one about half, and some of the border.

 I've never posted about this quilt, just because it is a "Very Slow Stitching". I designed this quilt to be our 30th anniversary quilt and since we were married in the Rocky Mountains of Wyoming, I thought the block was appropriate! Well, didn't make it for the 30th, but it is on my agenda to finish this next year. Why I opted to hand piece, I'm not sure, because the blocks on 15", but it is soothing to sit on the porch (or when I'm waiting somewhere) to stitch away! So, when I read about "Slow Sunday Stitching" I thought it was a perfect time to work on these projects!!!

Thanks Teresa for always sharing such wonderful projects and thanks Kathy for sponsoring this great linky party!!

Blessings Ya'll!!!!


  1. It's nice to see a green and white project after so much red and white. Pretty stars, too! I try to get in a little "slow stitching" in every day. It certainly is a different kind of sewing and I enjoy it ever so much.

  2. Awwwww! Thanks my friend! I am so glad you are inspired to do some "slow stitching" - I really enjoy just slowing down and stitching at the slower pace on Sundays. It helps calm me down after the frustration of watching the Carolina Panthers pretend they are a football team :*D I love the projects you have in process - Lemoyne stars are not easy! And what a great idea to have a special anniversary quilt - wow! I've got to remember that :*)

  3. Lovely projects!! It's nice to have an excuse to share those slower long term projects, isn't it? I look forward to 'slow stitching' in the evenings - it's a great way to relax at the end of the day.

  4. I love your lemoyne stars. They are on my to do list....your anniversary quilt blocks are lovely. So nice to see that people are still enjoying slowing down and doing some calming stitching.

  5. I love your hand stitched projects. there is something so soothing in the combined motion and interaction between fabric and needle and thread. Maybe that's why you decided to hand piece the bigger blocks.

  6. I love you stars. You also have so many wonderful interests. You are so lucky to work with border collies, such intelligent animals.

  7. I am in awe of your hand quilting, it seems to be a lost art. In this day of blogging in quick, easy, and fast projects, hand stitching is beautiful. Keep us posted of your slow stitching.

  8. I need to learn to hand piece some day. Kathy definitely helps bring some respect back to 'slow stitching'!

  9. I admire your efforts at LeMoyne Stars. Are they easier by hand, do you think? I try to avoid them, being the wimpy quilter that I am.
    Wow, your anniversary quilt is very ambitious for a hand stitched project. It will be a beauty!
    My Sundays are "no stitch" instead of "slow stitch". : )

  10. What fun and meaningful blocks!!Sunday's are a good day for slow stitching:)

  11. I love your hand work. I did some slow stitching Sunday too. So glad you shared your projects!

  12. These are 2 really great projects!
    I love the idea of Slow Stitching Sundays! I'd love to join in once I get thru with my DJ commitment.

    Happy Quilting!

  13. How wonderful that you could join in the Slow Sunday Stitching party! What great hand piecing projects...thanks for sharing them!


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