
Monday, October 29, 2012

Flying Stitches!!!

Wow, two posts in one day!!! I had intended to post about my quilting updates, but...just haven't gotten around to it. Long story short - Tate and I didn't have a very good weekend at the last sheep dog trial - so been doing a lot of "soul searching" - replaying runs through my mind, analyzing my training methods, wondering how to tweak this and fix that - hence - what a great time to sit at the sewing machine and get caught up on projects!

So, with the needle flying here's my progress!!

About 35 more FG units finished this week for a total of  205!!! (only 235 to go!!!) (This picture is only a few of them)!

I had finished the Granny Square blocks about ten days ago, but needed more fabric for the sashing and border. I love how the top came together. This is a quilt for Gracen's cousin Emma who will be born around Thanksgiving.

I also got caught up on Randy's Barrister Blocks! Some of these were a little tricky - but I am liking them!

And of course I'm pretty much keeping up with Barbara Brackman's Grandmother's Choice blocks.

The middle block was Rocky Road to Kansas. It was similar to another block we did called Amethyst. I wanted it to look different, so I used the technique from It was a new technique for me and I really enjoyed it!!

As I had mentioned before I'm using chain blocks for setting blocks and I am assembling as I go! I'm really liking it!! What do you think? Is there enough color in the blocks to set them off?

Well, there it is - my flying stitches update! I'm working on some other projects which I will share later, and of course I'm still hand quilting on TWQ!!! Hope a reveal in a few weeks!

Blessings to each and every one of you! Your comments, encouragement and friendship bless me richly!!

Praying for the safety of everyone on the east coast!

Happy Fall Ya'll!!!!!


  1. I'm sorry your trials did not go as planned :( Hopefully you've figured out the solution and the next one will see lots of winning!!! Love your flying geese and all those sampler blocks. Especially the purple blocks - they look great with the Irish chain!

  2. I hope you got lots of fruitful thinking done while you were flying along with your stitching.,. I am loving all your blocks - and love the setting for your Grandmother's choice blocks. I think you have plenty of contrast for those blocks. LOVE love love your granny square!!!

  3. That is a lot of flying geese, Doniene. You are tenacious!
    That Granny Squares quilt is so sweet and soft looking!
    Congrats on catching up on the Barrister's SAL. I love your solids. I think in this batch the ones on each end are my favorites.
    Your Grandmother's choice blocks are beautiful! Two color quilts are very popular, but I love the way there is just that little twinkle of a reddish color here and there.
    You have been very busy, haven't you?
    Hope you can work out your issues with training your sheep dog so things go better for you at the next trials.

  4. I'm loving all of your projects! And the chain blocks are perfect with the others.....they set them off very nicely!

  5. Love your geese. I sometimes stitch with a notebook at my side, as I relax all kinds if ideas tend to be born ;-)

    Looking forward to TWQ! Good for you.

  6. I am very much looking forward to TWQ!!!! Have a great day! Love you!

  7. You mean you are working on more projects than this! lol I love how Grandmother's Choice looks. The setting works very well.
    I hope you checked your math more than twice for the FG. Somehow, I made way to many for my projects even after I checked my math twice. Don't know how I did it. Can't wait to see what you do with these geese.
    I'm sure you'll do better at your next sheep dog trials. What I've seen of them looks very challenging.

  8. Your GC blocks are gorgeous -- I love the prints you're using for them! Very lovely -- I'm inspired to get moving on mine now, too!! :)


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!