
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Weekend Treasure!!

This past weekend was our annual "girls only weekend" where we trek across the state of Texas for a long weekend of junking/antiquing/shopping at a huge trade fair. When we first started it was a "day trip" now we are at 3 days and 2 nights and it still isn't quite enough time to see everything - though we are bushed!!

We rented a B&B old farmhouse this year. It was built about 1904 and sits on a lovely property! We really enjoyed our stay there. The weather this year was rainy and cool, but not so rainy that we couldn't shop!!! And the cool was so refreshing!!!

I really didn't have many items that I was searching for, so I mostly looked at furniture (we want to upgrade our dining table) and quilts. I saw many, many many quilts, but alas didn't take photos. There were a couple in my budget, but they just didn't "grab me" so I waited and looked. Of course the ones I really love are the antique ones especially with fan quilting - and they were way out of my budget!! But Sunday morning, as we were shopping in a large enclosed building (out of the showers/mist/cold wind) I came across a vendor who a vast array of quilts of each age, plus some antique/vintage fabric and some antique quilt blocks!! I ooooood and aaaaaaahed and looked at each block. Two of my daughters were with me (in the building) and of course lost me!! Well, when they found me, Mollie asked the vendor "How long has she been here?!!" Well, I bought some - and I am so excited. I haven't "quilt soaked" the blocks yet, but I will. I have enough to make 4 small quilts. Each block measures about 6 inches and are hand pieced with a very scant 1/4" seam and some pieces are "pieced" to make the square big enough (I love frugal blocks like that!!).

So without further ado...feast your eyes are my very humble, simple treasures!! (be sure to click on the pictures to enlarge so you can see the details!!

I just love all of them, but my favorite is the dark (mostly blacks) and pink nine patches!! I had just ordered some repro double pink fabric that I'm going to use for setting blocks or sashing and I had the black with gold yardage from an earlier win from Maureen! So, it will be one of the first that I assemble!! I think the shoo fly blocks are awesome! So, I'll have several little projects to keep me busy - like I needed another project!! LOL

By the way, Janet O., I didn't post yesterday because I was rocking Gracen!!

 I'm keeping her this afternoon, too, but she is asleep in her little infant carrier - so no rocking yet!

Here's my fall decor on the front porch!

Happy Fall Ya'll!!!!


  1. Looks like a wonderful place to stay, Doniene. Glad you gals get a chance to get out and enjoy.
    I love your vintage blocks. I can see why you bought them--and I had to LOL that you stayed at the booth so long deciding! I would have done the same. Can't wait to see what you create with them. : )
    Gracen is so sweet. Lucky Grandma!!

  2. Beautiful blocks! You made the right choice in getting them, rather than a quilt! Yay!

  3. What wonderful blocks... ya done good!

    And Gracen is a doll!!!

  4. What a wonderful trip! You came away with treasures. Every block has a story ... wouldn't you love to know whose hands pieced those?? Gracen is just beautiful. She is a lucky little girl to have such a sweet, devoted, Christian mamaw to love and love her back.

  5. Just the kind of getaway I would enjoy! Those blocks are fabulous. They look like they are in very good shape to me. Can't wait to see the little quilts you make with them. Glad you will have a use for the black fabric. And you just ordered the pink? Love it when a quilt comes together like that. Rocking a baby - especially a grandchild - sounds like heaven. Lucky you!

  6. What a wonderful getaway! Just LOVE those blocks you purchased. This will be such a treasured quilt! Gracen looks so beautiful in her little carrier!

  7. What lucky little blocks to end up in the hands of a loving quilter! I love the pink check. It was fun to hear about your weekend and see your treasures, and especially to see your most precious treasure!

  8. A beautiful baby......
    I like those pink nine patch blocks.

  9. I love vintage blocks! I'm sure you'll have them in little quilts in no time!!

  10. Great find Doniene!!! I agree with your choice for favorites - wonderful color play. It will be fun to see you create quilts with them :*) And of course, in between stitches you can rock Gracen!

  11. Ahh - they are lovely!!! Lucky you to have those, one wonders about the history behind them, someone will be pleased you are working on their ufos!


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