
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Really, I'm still here...

Okay, okay, so I'm really, really, really, really late with this months FFFF, so here it is...

Eight Fat Eighths from Judie Rothermel's "Pewter, Indigo, & Honey" collection. I love this fabric, but have not decided what I'm going to make with it - so to enter this months drawing, please leave a comment on this post and tell me what quilt you would make. I promise I will draw a winner before toooooooo loooooooong!!!! LOL!!!!

Now to tell/show you why I have been negligent in posting!

On September 6 (Just one day after my last post) Gracen Kate was born. So, I've been doing a little rocking!!! (They live in our guest house, so though I'm not a "hovering grandmother" -Nene (me) gets to see her every day!!!!)

So, you tell me, "Post" or "Rock"!!!!

We have also been working cattle, weaning calves and moving cattle around.

Oh yeah - I've been rocking Gracen!

I also fancy myself as a" wildlife photographer" and have been catching shots of various fowl.

Oh, yeah, Gramps gave Gracen her first horseback ride!!

Also, the fall Sheep Dog trail season is upon us and I've been readying Tate for several trials in October:

I did finish the Porter Brothers (grandsons of a dear friend) quilts and put them in the mail today!!!

Oh yeah. I've been rocking Gracen!!!

I PROMISE that I will post the winner and more "quilty" stuff next week. I'm currently working on 7 quilt projects, so hopefully I will have at least a couple of pictures!!

If you have time, enlarge the photos - the details are amazing!

Blessings Ya'll!!!!


  1. Oh my! Congratulations! Gracen is gorgeous! And what a lovely name! Beautiful! She's a doll, and should definitely be rockin! :o)

    I just love those pics of you and Gramps on horseback.....such lovely photos of the birds, too! And all I could think of when I saw your sheep dog pics was the movie 'Babe'!

    I'd make all sorts of minis with that Judie Rothermel fabric.....cut into little would go very far! Yay!

    Keep on Rockin! :o)

  2. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! You sound busy so I'm sure it's nice having the baby right there for you ro rock.
    The Porter Brothers are going to love those sweet quilts. Where do you find the time?
    Good luck with Tate.
    Great pics!
    When in doubt, make a star. Such pretty fabrics!

  3. *rock cuddle rock snuggle rock smooch rock* ...repeat!!!

    Congratulations to the entire family! Gracen is beautiful!!!!


    Lovely fabrics... I'm thinking a table runner ...


  4. Congratulations Doniene!!! Gracen is absolutely too cute for words! Such a sweet little face. She looks so tiny in Gramps' arms :*) And he is posing like the typical cowboy - [John Wayne voice...]"No big deal Ma'am, I'm just holding this here baby while someone takes a picture. No Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I'm a cowboy, I'm not allowed to smile." LOL!!!

    I'm not big on the reproduction fabrics, but that particular line of colors is one of my favorites! Most of them would go immediately into my Hawaii Sunset I'm thinking :*)

  5. you can tell you like her a little, just a little arn't they the sweetest thing, our grands were named right

  6. What a sweet, sweet little babe! I love the photo of her in Grandpa's arms. Priceless!
    Oh, you have a busy life--beautiful shots of your surroundings, Doniene!
    I took my first venture out today since my surgery and we drove through the mountains to see the Fall colors and stop at a little quilt shop on the other side of the mountain range. I just happened to pick up a piece from that fabric line. You know I would make a mini or two,,,or three...or... : )

  7. Have a little rock time for me-----I'm so jealous. Gracen is beautiful.

  8. Congrats to you on the birth of Gracen:)

    The fabrics are so pretty...I would possibly do a churn dash or use the in my Farmer's Wife quilt I've started

  9. Congratulations! I'd made pinwheels. Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Oh my you have been busy!!
    Gracen is beautiful and such a pretty name!
    The fabrics would make a great tote bag!

  11. Gracen is such a beautiful little girl! Congratulations to you & your family!

    I love seeing the pictures of your family & farm! You are very good at photography!

    Just love those quilts you made for the boys! You've been seriously busy quilting! Regarding that beautiful fabric collection - It would be perfect for a late 1800's applique' pattern called Moon & Stars. A quilt on my wish list.

  12. Holy smokes, you have been busy!! Gracen is beautiful! How fun to have them so close.
    Love the photo of you on the horse!!
    I have already won fabric from you but I do LOVE that line!! Of course, I'd make a little quilt:) I've got a few "on the burner" so to speak.

  13. What a little cutie you have there. :) Nothing like a new grandbaby to drag you away from other things. :)
    I would have to make a Churn Dash if you were to ship that fabric my way. :)

  14. Congratulation to you and your family. Gracen is beautiful.
    Love the photos of your home.

    Love the fabrics too, I would put them in a quilt called "King George". I am curently collecting fabrics to make that quilt.

  15. Cute, cute, cute post!!! and the new little one is so pretty, what a grand blessing!!!

    what to make, well, a Fall table runner I think would be very pretty in these colors AND I need one too!!

  16. Nice photos, especially of that beautiful granddaughter.
    Nice fabrics you've chosen for your giveaway. I'd probably use them in a mini quilt as I'm into those today. Thanks for the opportunity to win them.

  17. Keep rocking that sweet little baby girl! They grow up so fast. What great fun for the Porter Brothers. I would love to add some of those fat eighths to some scrap quilts to remind me of Doniene!

  18. Congratulations Nene! I love the name given to little darlin' Gracen Kate! And how cute that you are "Nene." (I'm Gamma to my grandchildren.) You are lucky to have Gracen so near by! And Grandpa looks just a bit proud too!
    As for the pewter, indigo, and honey... I'm partial to mini quilts, so I'm thinking several tumbler block mini's, varying the size of the tumbler, to make a nice grouping.

  19. Wow Doniene, what a picture of Mike with Gracen. So special.

  20. The baby on the horse is a beautiful picture!

    The fabrics you show look vintage. Maybe a vertical row quilt of basket blocks and use a stripe fabric for sashing in between the rows.

  21. Precious photos of baby Gracen! I love how she is looking up at Mike and I hope you wear out your rocking chair! :) I hope y'all weren't washed away with the recent rains. I heard 10"?! Praise God! You may have to put flippers on Tate and get yourself a snorkle!

  22. Congratulations! Thanks for the giveaway!I think I would make a table runner

  23. Gongratulations, with your beautiful Gracen Kate. Ofcourse you will be doing some rocking for the at least the next 4 jears.

    Kind regards,

  24. Hi Doniene, I cant believe I have missed all these posts - I put you on my sidebar but have still missed them! I love seeing these photos and the filled in version of the 365 photos!!


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!