
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Vintage Linens and Fabric Giveaway!!

I know, I know!!! I've not posted in awhile and I'm very appreciative of you noticing!! I have been very busy with summer time activities, but I've also been working on several quilt projects, two of which I cannot post about because they are surprises - oh they know they are getting the quilts, but don't know what they look like!!

Though I've not posted, I have added "pages" to my blog! (had to ask for help to get it done - thanks Janet) but am glad to post about my past projects! Take a peek by clicking on the tabs at the top. I have a couple more pictures I need to add - just haven't taken the time or don't have the picture!

I'll start with my monthly fabric giveaway! I can't really call it FFFF any more because I've missed the 15th two months in a row!!!

But this month I've got 4 FQ's from Connecting Threads. I had hoped to post about this on Flag day, but I loved this Star fabric and wanted to share some with one of you!! I've got a small star quilt in the making - hope to have the flimsy made by July 4th and of course it will have stars as the pattern!!

To enter the giveaway, just leave me a message on this post and tell me (and everyone else, too!) your favorite 4th of July activity and/or memory.

4th of July means "PICNIC" to me. My grandmother always hosted a picnic on the 4th - we would go to a lake, or in the mountains (remember I was raised in Colorado/Wyoming) and we'd eat fried chicken, potato salad, angel eggs, hot dogs, chips, and we could drink as many cokes (that's pop or sodas to anyone not from the south!) as we wanted!! We'd play games, play in the water, go hiking, just what ever!! It was also kinda a family reunion because all the aunts, uncles, great aunts and uncles would come, because my grandma made the BEST fried chicken ever!!!!! I can still taste it!!

Any way - would love to hear your favorite 4th activities!!!! I'll post the winner in about a week!

Lori posted about vintage linens and asked if anyone else collected them - well..... I was warned by my resident cowboy, that if bought one more tablecloth..... well you kinda get the picture.

Here are a few of my favorites!!!


Lori asked how we display them - well I use them! On the table, under lamps etc.

I've also been working on a Dutch inspired doll quilt. Jeanneke gifted me the scraps from her "Houses" quilt because I'm been very interested in Dutch quilting and fabric since I met Lucy. So, I'm making a 'schattige Hollandse poppen quilt'!! Here are the pictures of the "inspiration" and the blocks.  The blocks are 3" (finished) and I'm playing around with the setting with some red polka dot fabric - another Dutch color/design. I chose blocks that make me think of Holland/The Netherlands. It has been a lot of fun!!

Hope this finds each and every one of you enjoying the summer!!! This year has been much better for us. Not as hot and dry, but many are suffering from 112 degree heat, no rain and wild fires. My prayers go out to each and everyone!

Don't forget to pray for our soldiers who selflessly serve our nation and the world. During this season of Memorial Day, Flag Day and Independence Day, I am reminded that freedom wasn't free - but I'm very thankful for each and ever soldier that has served our nation to make our world a good place to be!



  1. What fun and seasonally appropriate giveaway fabrics, Doniene.
    You really DO collect vintage linens--and it is great that you actually use them.
    The blocks for your little Dutch themed doll quilt are adorable. That will be so cute when it is all together.
    My fondest memories on the 4th are when we would gather with extended family for a late picnic and then watch the fireworks. Now, with family moving and passing on, DH and I sit on our deck and watch the fireworks about 5 miles away--as the crow flies.

  2. Glad for the update, Doniene! Love your dutch inspired blocks. What a cute quilt they will make!
    I think of the community pool and grilling burgers and hotdogs on the 4th.
    I enjoy my vintage linens, too, and try to use them. Yours are lovely.
    Since I won last month, don't put my name in the cowboy's hat. Thanks, again!

  3. we get together with some of our kids and watch fireworks

  4. You had lots to share with us. The vintage table cloth with the primary colored border looks familiar. I think people used to have a lot of those type tablecloths. Usually square like for a card table.

    The 4th of July I remember the most was the first year my husband and I were married. We had very little money and decided on the 3rd of July to head to a resort area on Lake Erie. We planned on staying at an inexpensive motel. We had our 1st baby with us. Well, we never knew you should make a reservation for a motel on a holiday weekend. No motels to be had. We drove and drove looking for one. About 1:30 in the AM, we found a cheap hotel in a small town a good ways from where we intended to be. It was $3 a night and you had to go down the hall to a bathroom or to use a shower. We were so sleepy that we took the room. At least it was clean. We got up very early and left. Never did anything like that again. And that was many, many years ago when $3 went a lot further than it does today. You can't hardly eat a burger, fries, and a drink at McDonald's for that now.

  5. Your vintage tablecloths are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing them with us. I'm working on the little Dutch houses too but have not make one in a while. I have 9 and need to get back to them. Our 4th of July celebrations involve our entire family of about 40. We cook out and have a horseshoe tournament. Each male draws the name of a female from a basket, that way the teams are more equal as far as ability. The tournament goes on for most of the day, into the evening along with more eating and beer and wine drinking.

  6. What a great post.....I loved seeing your vintage linens! Yummy! And I can't wait to see the two gifts you've made!

    Your best 4th of July was back in the 80's. The kids were about 6, 8 and 10, and we were at the big Navy Family Day on the beach in San Diego. We played all day in the water, and the kids were running around having a ball all day, eating burgers and hot dogs from the dozen grills going all day, and at night, we all laid down on a blanket in the sand, and right above our heads the fireworks was was magical! Our best day ever!

    Thanks for bringing out that great memory!

  7. Awesome giveaway, thanks for the chance! Unfortunately I'm not living in the US so I dont have any experience on that:)

  8. I love your new pages - so many lovely quilts! Thanks for sharing all your vintage linens, they're all wonderful!

    My niece is a U.S. Marine about to be deployed for a 2nd tour of duty in Afghanistan. She has to part with her 9 month old baby boy. A HUGE sacrifice indeed! The 4th is always a much more somber and emotionally proud day for my family. God Bless & Protect our Soldiers!

  9. I like to go picnicing on the fourth of July. I also enjoy seeing the fireworks out at the pier by the Statue of Liberty. After the fireworks its fun to have people over for coffee and dessert :) Thanks for sharing. It was a lovely read :)

  10. It must be fun to see fireworks on this special day. Well, I don't celebrate 4 th of July here. But, I love shopping during our country national day because it's Sale all over the place :)

  11. A local park has fireworks on the lake. We park our boat across the lake and enjoy the show, often with friends, snacks and adult beverages. It's a lot of fun!

  12. Oh my goodness - your Dutch blocks are darling! I cannot wait to see it finished. And look at all of those pretty linens - and yay for using them!
    we spent many a 4th of July at the West of the Pecos Rodeo and Ranch Rodeos. 4th of July always meant watermelon and fishing. Now that the kids are no longer home, it is much too quiet.

  13. One of my favorite memories is having a backyard family campout on July 3rd and waking up in the backyard on July 4th. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. I really don't need the star fabrics - they are really cute but I actually already have quite a few star fabrics already, so I'll let someone else win those :*)

    I love your description of your family picnics on the 4th of July!!! Oh my gosh! That sounds like so much fun! And the tradition of your family doing that each year - you are so lucky to have such wonderful memories and family to carry through life :*) My mom also makes the most tasty fried chicken I've ever eaten. Come to think of it, I haven't had any of hers lately and I need to remind her of that =^..^=

    You definitely have some lovely vintage linens! I am very taken with the sweet little blocks you are making with the Dutch fabrics :*)

    It's been great visiting with you! I need to go check out your new pages now! Have a great weekend!!!

  15. You now I am just green with envy over the vintage linens!! I always enjoy visits with our kids and grandkids during summer especially on July 4th, but not this year as we have got a real big mess with the machines and walls and floor needing repair!
    Thank you for reminding us to always remember our soldiers, coming from a military family, I know of the sacrifices that they and their families make. Our grandson Will is out at sea for now, and he appreciates our prayers.

  16. You are so generous with give aways - but I can't have another bit of fabric in my house for a while!
    I enjoyed a tour through your tabs - you did a nice job setting them up and your quilts and tops are wonderful.
    Thank you for sharing!

  17. My memories from the 4th are "picnic" as well. We usually go to the McIlroy's (now my in-laws) for their picnic at the creek. It a tradition in my now family.

  18. On July 4th I like to just hang out outside, eat some grilled food, and relax.

  19. Love those little blocks :D. One of my older sisters' birthday is July 4th. We always gathered for Barbara's birthday, complete with hotdogs, hamburgers, baked beans, and potato salad. Her favorite dessert (and mine too ;p) is old-fashioned Banana Pudding, so we always had that too. :) Then for fireworks. I share the same feelings with you about freedom not being free, and am so grateful for al of the servicemen and women. This is a fun fun giveaway--thanks so much for sharing your goods with us. :D

  20. I just love the lovely tulips and the poppenquilt you are making!
    Het is echt heel schattig!!!! (this is for your Dutch-training.... LOL)
    But I'm sur you know what it means.... ;)
    And the dot fabric I also used in the quilt for my granddaughter Nadeche (she's 4 years old). I loved dots all my life I think.....
    Love to you and God bless!!

  21. It is fun to click on your "pages" and see all of your beautiful work. My 4th of July's are almost identical to yours. We usually go to the lake while my dad works hard preparing dutch oven chicken and potatoes for everyone. We also have a small community parade and fireworks show. Cute tiny, tiny blocks!!! I have looked at a few blogs from Dutch quilters. They do very beautiful work. I too am so thankful for our freedom and those who serve to protect it.

  22. What adorable fabric! MY July 4th always consists of my small family doing something outdoors together, then watching the fireworks while laying on a blanket!! My daughter always falls asleep, then wakes up when the first ones go off :) Tburchar (at)

  23. LOVE the star fabric! Our family would always go to a beach where they had fireworks. We'd go early, stake a claim on the beach, bring a picnic, swim, watch the waterski show, and when it got dark, the fireworks, with many boats in the water. Very happy memories!


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