
Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Schattig Hollands Poppen Quitje

Translates "Sweet Dutch Doll Quilt"!!

(I can write it, and read it, but can't say it!! Maybe someday!)

I finished up my little quilt that I made from the wonderful scraps that Jeanneke sent me! She had used the fabrics for her house quilt (which is lovely by the way!!)

Each block is 3 inches and the quilt measures about 25" square (I have this thing for square quilts!!) The house blocks are in honor of Jeanneke's house quilt, the pinwheels remind me of the windmills in The Netherlands, the sailboats because Lucy and Rene' have a sailboat and she tells me there is "lots of water in their country!) Of course, when someone mentions Holland, I think of tulips! So had to have a couple of tulip blocks. And the hearts - hearts are universal, but you will notice on any Dutch folk art that there are lots of hearts - so added a couple of heart blocks. But most of all the hearts mean to me the huge generosity of not only the Dutch blogging friends but all of you that continue to inspire and encourage me!!

Many of you know that I finished TWQ flimsy!! (can't post pictures yet, but if you would like to see it, let me know and I'll email you a picture!!)

Well, I was so "pleased" with myself, that I played around in my sewing room and found some UFO's that I had set aside. In that pile, I found 7 vintage flour sack blocks that I had bought off ebay a couple of years ago. So...I sewed them up with some unbleached flour sack fabric setting squares for a table topper! (wow it's not square - just thought about it!! lol)

Aren't these fabrics just priceless!!

A year or so ago, our local grocery store sold flour in flour sacks and I bought a couple thinking that they would make great cup towels - needed new ones, so buy flour get cup towels!! Well, they were really a little small for a towel. But Mandie suggested that I use them for a backing of one of my small quilts - so I did!!

Pretty cute, huh!!!

This will get set aside until I finish quilting TBQ, and then I'll put this in the hoop to be my traveling quilting project - always have a small quilt in the frame that I quilt on when I watch TV, or sit outside on the porch, or travel, or wait on Mike....

Last buy not least, I'm caught up on Randy's Sow-A-Long!! I am so enjoying making these blocks from solid scrap fabrics!! At times I've wanted to go "buy" another color or two, but I'm determined to make these totally from scraps!! I am pleased with how it is turning out. Though the light colors in the blocks might show up as white in the pictures, I am not using any white at all, and I'm really liking that too! A new venture for me!!

And don't forget the FFFF! I will draw a winner on the last day of June!!

Go here to leave a comment for a chance to win!!

Blessings to each and every one of you!!


  1. The little Dutch quilt is so darned cute! Love it! And I love your Sow-A-Long blocks, too......great colors!

  2. I love everything you've done. Those little houses are so darned cute. I've only made 7or 9. It's been so long since I've sewn one that I don't even remember how many I have. So many projects, so little time and all of yours are lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  3. What a fun Dutch mini! And the colors of your UFO look just perfect working with during summer. It looks like icy sorbet color!!

  4. Oh, what a sweet little "Dutch" quilt! Great choice of blocks.
    I love the vintage blocks--so fun to study the fabrics.
    Good use of the flour sack--Mandy had a good idea!
    I just love your Sow-Along blocks in solids. I would never have enough solids to do this. I think they look wonderful! I need to pay more attention to the solids when I am in the LQS! : )

  5. My goodness, I just LOVE your little Dutch Doll Quilt!! Adorable - no other word for it!!! Three inch blocks - wow that's tiny! Who could resist them? Great idea to use the smaller flour sacks for the backings! :*)

  6. really like your little quilt and your story about the blocks...also, wish I could look through my stash and find some vintage flour sack blocks!!!

  7. Fun to hear what you've been up to. Lots by the look of it!
    The dutch quilt is fabulous. What a special quilt!
    Your little flour sack flimsy is precious. You've made the perfect backing for it.
    Hope it has cooled down a little for you all. The heat has made its way here. Very unusual for June.
    Happy stitching!

  8. Oh, your Dutch quilt is darling - just charming and so clever! Please don't get me started on flour sack fabrics. I am smitten with your blocks. I always wish vintage fabrics and quilts could talk. You have certainly been stitching up a storm. It's a good way to escape the heat! :)


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!