
Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Quilt Schedule & Christmas Blocks

Okay, I succumbed to the "setting goals", resolutions, or whatever you call it when you sit down at the beginning of the year and decide and list everything that you want to accomplish, change, get better at ...etc.etc.etc.I'm generally a goal setter and list maker, but I was little hesitant to put to print my quilt goals - but then I thought, why not - think big! I decided to just post it month by month, that way I can evaluate and adjust monthly. Seemed reasonable to me. You will note my schedule in my side bar.

You would think that I would be tired of Christmas Fabric - but I'm not really. Last fall, I had purposed to use up ALL of the Christmas fabric that I had stashed for the past several years, and even after making 10 small quilts, I still had fabric left!!! So, I'm on a mission to use up the fabric and make quilts for every bed in my house. I'm going to do it like the CWR plan and make one or two blocks a week. Right now I'm working on two from the fabric stash - A sampler quilt using some of my favorite blocks from CWR and blocks from The Farmer's Wife Quilt book. It has been fun to choose which block to make!! The other quilt is a Single Irish Chain (also called a double nine patch) with 1 1/2" squares. One other Christmas quilt I'm working on is from the SBS Yahoo group and it is called Christmas Greetings. It is a BOM and will finish in March - though I'm behind one block, so I will finish the blocks in April.

So, enough rattling from me. Here are some pictures of the latest Christmas blocks.

And this a picture of my girls at Anson at the Cowboy Christmas Ball - aren't they lovely!!! (I might be a little prejudiced!!)

Lyn, Mollie, Mandie and Mikkie

Notice the quilt in the background! There are several hung around the hall, but alas I forgot to get pictures of them. WHAT was I thinking ?!!! I was probably dancing!!

Blessings to each and everyone !!!!


  1. You have some ambitious goals for the month! I wish you well in accomplishing them.
    Lots of fun Christmas blocks--I want to get my Christmas quilt finished, too. I had to take it off the design wall while my daughter and her husband were staying in my sewing room over the holiday. Pieces of it kept falling off on them when they would brush against the wall.
    Those are four beautiful girls! Wow!

  2. Such pretty blocks and beautiful girls! I hope you got to kick up your heels too! I love Christmas, but for some reason, I am sadly lacking in Christmas fabric so I splurged and bought some Countdown to Christmas when it was on sale and I have my eye on another Christmas quilt. I figure I have all year to work on them. Now watch, I'll still be working on them come Christmas. :) I'll be cheering you on!

  3. You have a beautiful family!
    I like all of your xmas blocks - and your goals are admiralable.
    Take care - here's to a productive 2012!!

  4. OOhh I didn't know that the beautiful girl are yours! you must be a proud mom Doniene!
    You are living on a ranch. Maybe a silly question but you ride horses! I did when I was young. Sometimes I would love to ride again.


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!