
Saturday, December 31, 2011

CWR Blocks Finished !!

Wow, the year has flown by!! All in all, I choose to remember the good things and put the bad things behind me. I can say that one of the best things for me has been meeting all you wonderful people in blog land!! I've been inspired, overwhelmed, encouraged, amazed, educated and most of all am glad I can call you friends!

Today was the last of the CWR blocks. I didn't start until about July, but it has been a wonderful journey for me. I learned so much about Civil War History, quilt block history, and my ability to make many different blocks.

#52 Christmas Star and #53 Union Shield

Since I used only these fabrics for all my blocks, my Christmas Star doesn't really look like the others, It isn't my favorite, but the points are good and I used up small pieces. The Union Shield is one of my favorites!

I've opted to set my blocks 7 X 8 with sashing and cornerstones and add a 6 inch border. So, in order to have enough blocks, I made 3 more to make 56.

 Swallow, Flock and a Fox and Geese Variation

Then I also made four 6" blocks for the corners of the border. Not sure when I'll assemble the top (I'm comprising my "2012 Quilt Schedule"), but I would like to finish it by next fall.

Happy New Year !!


  1. Happy New Year, Doniene, and may the cabin turn into the dreamt-of and worked-on residence for you!



  2. This would be a wonderful quilt to have completed for fall, with these warm, earthy colors. Very nice, Doniene.
    I am so glad we have become friends. You have enriched my life. Thanks for the time you have spent visiting with me and for the lovely gift you sent. I treasure it as I do you!

  3. I've enjoyed getting to know you, too, Doniene. You are an inspiration and I envy your life there on the ranch.
    You have a quilt schedule! No wonder you get so much done. Your CW blocks are perfect and I look forward to seeing them assembled into a top.
    Here's to lots of quilts in 2012!


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!