
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Vintage Treasures - Installment #5

If you remember in my last installment I mentioned that I would be showing the quilt that began my journey as a quilter. Well here it is, along with a quilting book that I got through a book club. As you can see, I've looked at it a bunch!!! The quilt was one that Mike's paternal grandmother made, and it was on his bed in her house. He lived with her for several months after his grandfather passed away. So not only is it special to him, I fell in love with it. Simple, frugal, warm, cozy, family - there are not really enough adjectives for me to aptly describe it!!

 The quilt shown on the open pages - it is another of the WISPs that I am hand piecing. I have the stars all pieced (169 - all different fabrics - some of the centers might duplicate, but no star is the same)

 The following blocks are some that I bought on ebay. The fabric looks like the 50's and also some shirting fabrics. I know they were in an estate sale. I'm not sure what the block is called - IF SOMEONE KNOWS please let me know. Also, any feed back on layouts would be cherished. As you can see some of the big triangles are dark and some are light, so I've separated them accordingly. The blocks measure 4.75 inches. I'm planning on making two small quilts / table toppers / doll quilts out of them.



  1. I think the block is Corn & Beans. The star quilt block is called Seven Sisters. I've always wanted to make one but haven't yet.

  2. Hi,

    The block is also called 'Birds in the Air' in 'Patchwork Patterns' by Jinny Beyer. We used it a few years ago as a Challenge block in our group with everyone making blocks each month and sharing them so we all ended up with the same blocks. The quilts that came from this were very varied in design but unfortunately I only have a photo of mine. I did a similar layout to your bottom pic but with an opposite pair turned round. I can see why your husband's quilt inspired you - it is lovely.

  3. I've been catching up on your blog--what fun. I love the family heirloom quilt. What a special treasure that is!
    Those hand-pieced stars are amazing. We have a lot in common, but I will say you are a much more patient hand-piecer than I am!
    Your vintage blocks are great--I love getting things like that and making them a finished product. I'm sure your finish will be something the original maker would be proud of, you do such good work!
    By the way, where in Wyoming will you be visiting?


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!