
Monday, June 27, 2011

Christmas Greetings BOM progress

Spent most of the weekend working border collies with friends - it was such a good time!!! Didn't take any pictures, but all the dogs did very well. Looking forward to the fall trial circuit!!!

But last night I did sit and finish the center of the Advent Wreath - I'm pleased. I'm a little rusty sewing such small pieces, but it has been really rewarding!! I'm getting my "feel" back - keeps my fingers nimble! And my conversion worked - the block is right at 6".

Then this morning, I finished cutting the pieces (52) for the Star of the Magi block! I put them on my new "design board" (Thanks Janet) and it's ready for me when I finish the Advent Wreath!!

I'm a little behind on the BOM, as I signed up late, but hope to be caught up by July. It's my first Elm Creek Quilts quilt (my favorite novel series by Jennifer Chiaverini) so I'm pretty excited to finally do one.

Have a great day!!!  Blessings


  1. Doniene, these are beautiful blocks (and so many little pieces!!). I am not familiar with this pattern. Do you have a photo of the finished project that you can share with us (if that wouldn't be giving away anything). I would love to see what these are going to become!

  2. Looking great! You are making progress on these blocks, so I hope you reach your goal of having caught up with us in July! The Manger block isn't too hard, and doesn't have too many pieces :o)

    Btw. what is your favorite Elm Creek Quilts novel?


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