
Quilts I've Made

Star/Brand Quilt for Mike

Mandie's College Quilt

Rygh's Outdoorsman Quilt

Stephanie & Charles' Wedding Quilt
(family friends)

Kelly & Micah's Wedding Quilt
(niece and her husband)

Mikkie & Tyler's Wedding Quilt

Mandie & Bobby's Wedding Quilt
Jaxon's Baby Quilt
(family friend)

Christmas Small Quilts

Checker Board

Small Quilt from 
Vintage Blocks

Blue/White Basket
Small Quilt
for Swap



  1. Ahh, you got the tabs in place! Fun to see a collection of these quilts, Doniene. You've made some real beauties!!

  2. What a great idea to add a tab for all of your projects! Your loved ones certainly keep you busy stitching wedding quilts! What a beautiful way to celebrate the beginning of the couple's life together. Hope I'll get to see Mike's quilt in person!

  3. This is exactly what I've been saying I'd like to do on my blog! I love it - you've done a great job with it! My favorite is Double Wedding Ring quilt, followed closely by the little blue baskets =^..^=

  4. I enjoyed my visit with all of your quilts! Like a quilt turning. I think you are very generous with these lovely gifts.
    Thank you for sharing!


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!