
Tuesday, November 17, 2015


We had friends from out of town spend last week with us!! We had a grand time playing "tourist" in the neighboring towns. We visited a WWII Museum, ate at a Bavarian Restaurant, shopped, sampled goodies at a local Pecan Orchard (and purchased a few, too!) and browsed through Antique Stores. At our last stop, Mike fell in love with a 1913 Singer Model 127 Treadle Sewing Machine. The very next day, she came home to reside in my sewing room (aka "Woman Cave" as Mike calls it!!!)

As you can see, the cabinet is in excellent condition and she is all refurbished and runs great! It was quite a learning curve to learn to treadle, but I've succeeded and have stitched up several nine patch blocks and just this morning I stitched a string of binding. It is very relaxing to treadle and it is nearly as fast as sewing with a motorized machine!!

I named her Myrtle in honor of Mike's paternal grandmother. She passed before I met Mike, but he adored her and from what I hear, she adored him. It was her quilts that Mike inherited that inspired me to start quilting, so I thought the name very fitting.

On the wall behind Myrtle is "Tucker" the latest SAL from Pam over at HeartSpun Quilts

Have a blessed day and remember:


  1. Myrtle is a beauty! I learned to sew on my Grandma Lillard's treadle when I was 4 yrs. old. She ran the treadle while I sewed, till my feet could reach. Enjoy!

  2. Congratulations on your beautiful new/old Treadle Machine!
    It looks just like the one my Grandmother used to sew on.
    I think it's a wonderful tribute to name her Myrtle after Mike's grandmother! Wishing you many fond sewing days with your machine.

  3. I think Myrtle is a perfect fit and Tucker looks pretty cute hanging above her!

  4. Oh she is a beauty! And her name is perfect. I'm so glad you are enjoying her. Someday if come across one, I would love to get one and learn to sew on it. I'm very happy for you.

  5. Oh my goodness what a treasure you guys found ! Congratulations !

  6. Well, if Mike fell in love with Myrtle first, you didn't have to do much arm twisting, I'm guessing. Lucky you! Looks like a wonderful machine and I love your name choice.
    She looks right at home in the woman cave! : )
    Tucker looks great there, too.

  7. Myrtle is just lovely! I hope you have many happy hours stitching with her!

  8. Oh, I would have snatched up that beauty too. I learned to sew on a machine like that and wish it had come to me when everyone went electric. Of course I really don't have room to put a machine that looks as inviting as yours.

  9. How lovely to have a husband who shares your love of machines! And Myrtle is the absolute perfect name for her. She is a real beauty!!!!

  10. How fun! She is a lovely machine :)
    I love the woman cave idea :)

  11. Myrtle is in beautiful condition Doniene and so great that you are treadling already :-) Mine has the decals rubbed off too and I know that is because she was well used (and loved I hope!) and I love that thought.

  12. How exciting. Myrtle sounds lovely and I'm glad you're enjoying your treadleing

  13. What a beautiful old machine...and I think I can guess where you spent your day!

  14. Such a shiny and pretty Singer sewing machine.

  15. Love the name and how sweet that you honored his grandmother.
    blessings, jill

  16. What a sweet treasure to bring home -- and how lovely to name her after the woman who's quilting inspired you to take it up!! Happy weekend to you, Doniene! :)

  17. I'm glad to see what you are working your new treadle sewing machine.
    Sure do miss seeing your work in "person" and getting to hear all about their stories....but most of all I miss your "hugs" and friendship at just isn't the same without your magnetic personality. Miss you, my friend.
    Love, Joy

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