
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Additions to the Sewing Room

This is definitely not original, as display options for small quilts are prevalent all over blog land - but that is what blogger is about - inspiring and encouraging one another!!! But alas, I didn't have any available baskets, so wandered about my house and spied my grandmother's 3 Gallon Crock - Perfect!!! Gathered my small quilts that were stored in a quilt box, fussed and tried different arrangements and settled for this -

Up until a few days ago, much of my fat quarters and smaller yardages were stored in boxes stacked in a closet. Since, I had more space in my sewing room, and pondered about how to had easy access storage right in the sewing room. Voila - two cabinets made with old barn wood and old windows. I hadn't constructed any work projects for a couple of years, so it was fun to get our the tools and go to work. I'm so pleased with my cupboards!

The small quilt on top of this cupboard was a doll quilt that was given to me when I was wee little girl!! I am so thankful that I saved it after all these years!

Blessings to each and every one of you, and remember:


  1. What a wonderful way to display your quilts AND use your grandmother's Crock!
    Those little quilts look fabulous rolled up in it.

    I am so impressed with your gorgeous cabinets!
    How wonderful that you created them from old doors and cabinets.
    Your sewing supplies look fabulous stored in them.

  2. That is a great little quilt display, Doniene!
    But I am blown away by your cabinets!! I could no more build something like them than I could fly to the moon, but I wish I could. I am so impressed. They are WONDERFUL!!

  3. Your little quilts look darling in the crock. Wouldn't you grandmother be surprised. I love the cabinets you built. You are very handy with power tools I'd say, It's wonderful that you still have your doll quilt. I collect them and always wonder about the little girls they belonged to.

  4. Great idea--the barn wood and old windows--made for a great storage cabinet and you can see what's inside!

  5. I am so impressed with your cabinets. They are the perfect addition to your studio.

  6. Love those cabinets! Especially the second one!!! They are beautiful and perfect :)
    Cute crock too!

  7. Love the quilts in the old crock and those cabinets are wonderful! Very inspiring indeed!

  8. Wonderful displays! Your "upcycled" cabinets look great - I'm envious of your mad skillz!

  9. Wow, Doniene! I LOVE your cabinets! They are especially awesome because YOU made them. I showed them to my DH and he thinks we (he) can make them from wood and windows we found in our barn and shed when we moved here. May not happen soon but you have certainly inspired us. The crock of quilts is beautiful. Love that you are using things you already have. So glad you saved the doll quilt - it is perfect there atop the cabinet. "encourage one another" - totally agree with that! You are special!

  10. We used to have a crock and I am so sorry that we sold it in a garage sale when down sizing. Would have been a good place for displaying small quilts.

  11. Aaaaah, I do love you use of the crock to store your *pretties*! Way to think outside the proverbial box!!! :)

  12. Your cabinets are fantastic!! Well done. I love the crock filled with little quilts. Precious to have a quilt from childhood! I spy a green and cream with pink border quilt...that looks like fabulous eye candy too. It all looks fabulous!

  13. Oh my dear friend, what a couple of fabulous posts!! I adore ALL your finishes in the previous posts - I love that olde worlde look you have acheived in your quilts - beautiful - and woo-hoo with the quilting too :-)
    Your cabinets you've just made are perfect - how lucky to have those beautiful windows to use - great building skills but I guess after building a house, anything is possible! Lovely storing your quilts in the old crock, too, neat that you can see a peek of them all.

  14. You are one talented girl...I love the look of the quilts in the crock and your cabinet....which is pretty awesome dear lady !

  15. Your cupboards look fantastic!! I love the way you used windows :0) Your collection of little quilts look wonderful in that crock as well.


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!