
Monday, December 2, 2013

My oh My...

...what happened to November?!!! It has been one month since I last posted, and my sincerest apologies to those of you who participated in "What's On My Bed". I promise I will do a post about that soon. I LOVED all the photos that I received and I so want to share them. But...Here's my "blur" of a month.

I finished a lap quilt for a friend's birthday...

Worked goats, shipped kids and older nannies...

Made a trip to East Texas (4 1/2 hour drive one way) to deliver some goats and work my Border Collies...


Did my chores every day - here's the milk cow (Isabel) and her young calf (Ira)...

Enjoyed the splendor of autumn...

And then it got "frosted"...

We experienced 3 days of intermittent power outages and internet failure...

But kudos to our service people - they are awesome!

We didn't really suffer - we heat our house with wood...

But the light went out on the chicks, so they had to live in a box by the fire...

But as you can see, they are no worse for the wear.

I pieced some blocks for our guild's donation quilt...

Of course had a Thanksgiving feast with family...(sorry no "real" photos!)

And very best of all...spending tons of time with Gracen...

She was a little upset with "Nene". I had told her that we were going outside "in a minute". So she went into the mud room. I NEVER go outside for chores with out my cap and gloves, and this day they were setting on the bench we have in the mudroom - she was Ready to Go - she had donned them herself!!! What a little sweetie!!

I'm furiously stitching away on Christmas gifts - I won't share until after Christmas.

Hope this finds each of you filled with joy and experiencing abundant blessings!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

What's on your bed?!!!

Really, I would love to see what is on your bed - so email me a photo and if you want - I'll include it in a post about the title subject - if not I'll just enjoy it and be inspired!!! I decided not to do a linky thing.

I have a new quilt on my bed for the first time in 13 years!!! Yep, I finished a queen size just for "me"!!! It is the CWR quilt that was my first blog land SAL and my second bed size (though this one is the biggest yet!) quilt to machine quilt myself. I must say, I had a little trouble at first and got very discouraged and set it aside for a couple of weeks while I worked on pumpkins and doll quilts. Then I figured out my problem (not basted well enough), fixed it and away I went!! So without further ado I present to you - Civil War Remembrance in fall colors!

For the quilting motif for the blocks, I chose fleur-de-lis radiating from the center. What was an "accident" was the secondary design of the four hearts!  Loved stitching this up. I did mark them, they are not "free hand".  The sashing motif is one that I found in a book for the CW era and the cornerstone motif - just an fun easy loopy flower that matched the loops on the sashing motif. Both of these were "free hand" so a "little" variation (character!!! LOL).

For the border I chose a simple lattice/diamond design. I hummed and hawed about what to do as I was quilting the blocks, and decided feathers were too much - it was a big border, and I didn't want to stitch in each strip, as I thought it would overwhelm the center. What do you think? Did I choose okay? I'm very happy with it, but always, always love your input, as I want to get better at my craft.

Again - I'd love to have a photo of what's on your bed - so email it to me!! (My email is enabled on my profile).

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Doll Quilts and a New Apron!

A few more "small" finishes - though every finish is a "BIG" deal - don't you think!!! Finishing things, accomplishing things is good for the morale!!! So I like to have a few "small" things going - therefore I get a "FINISH"!!! LOL

For the girl's booth at their next craft show, I made 4 doll quilts - fun traditional blocks and settings - perfect for a 20" doll like the American Dolls that are a rage right now. All of these were made from remnants and scraps - even the batting. I mostly just straight line cross hatched, but on the setting blocks for a couple of the quilts I did do some fmq - fun simple designs that added a little to the quilt.

Now to the apron. A couple of Christmases ago, I made aprons and potholders for all the girls for their gifts. I bought ducking fabric in several different colors/designs, so I had extra. I finally got around to making me one - I really needed it - my other was looking rather "natty"!!! But I do have a disclaimer - I don't wear an apron to keep my clothes clean - I wear and apron so my "dirty clothes" don't get the food dirty!!! LOL!! Mike says that he has never seen someone that can get as dirty as me!! But when you feed baby goats and handle baby calves and ride horse and train dogs - well a girl just gets dirty!!!!

I really like the bold fall colors and the striped fabric - makes working in the kitchen fun!!

There is much sad news in the world - but be of good cheer - God is still on the Throne!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

"Posh Pumpkin Patch"

Happy Fall to All!!!

What better way to celebrate fall, than a pumpkin patch!! I made these pumpkins for my two oldest daughters to sell in their new venture - booths at craft shows. They are doing two shows this month, and it has been so much fun to see them planning and working together!!! What a blessing!

The little quilt is one that I put together from a charm pack that I received from my dear blogging friend, Janet O. called "Posh Pumpkins". If you click on the bottom picture, you can see the fun fabrics and a faint outline of the "posh" pumpkin that I fmq. A fun little quilt and such a great reminder of what fun meeting wonderful people on blogger has been for me!!

Hope this finds each and everyone filled with JOY!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Grandmother's Choice is a Wrap!!

Well, I did it!! My first bed sized quilt all machine quilted and bound!!! This was Grandmother's Choice a BOW hosted by Barbara Brackman. We got our last block the first week of August (I think), so I feel pretty good about a total finish so quickly!!

I had a lot of fun "practicing" my fmq. This was a sampler quilt with 49 blocks, so I quilted each of those blocks differently. The chain setting blocks are all quilted the same with diagonal lines and fleur-de-lis (one of my versions) quilted in the edges. On the back, those quilting lines made "on point boxes" with the fleur-de-lis in the corners and the custom design for each pieced block in the middle. I quilted hooked feathers in the borders.

My family really likes this quilt. They say it looks "old fashioned". I know that this SAL was called "Grandmother's Choice", but I would like to name it differently - so I need your input. I kinda thought about "Nene's Royale". My grandma name is "Nene" and I love the royal purple in the quilt. What do you think?

Other news on the Fullagar Home Front:

Two weeks ago our oldest daughter (lives next door) was riding her young horse and he fell with her. Result - broken medial malleolous of the tibia in the left leg. Splint cast, non-weight bearing. So....Gramps and I have had to help with all her activities - which includes some care of Gracen - really hated that!! LOL Hated that she broke her leg - but love taking care of sweet little Gracen!!

This is the only photo that I have right now of Gracen's "Ice Cream Social" B-day party! A little fuzzy - but isn't she sooooo cute!! (Nene made her cake!)

I got our porches all cleaned yesterday, and put up a few simple fall decorations. Now that the weather is getting cooler, Gracen loves to play on the porch and I love to sit and do handwork while she plays!

Hope this finds each of you filled with Joy!

A side note: If you click on the "Bluebird" in my side bar, it will take you to my etsy shop. I do have four quilts for sale, and if any of you are interested, make me an offer.
