
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Grandmother's Choice is a Wrap!!

Well, I did it!! My first bed sized quilt all machine quilted and bound!!! This was Grandmother's Choice a BOW hosted by Barbara Brackman. We got our last block the first week of August (I think), so I feel pretty good about a total finish so quickly!!

I had a lot of fun "practicing" my fmq. This was a sampler quilt with 49 blocks, so I quilted each of those blocks differently. The chain setting blocks are all quilted the same with diagonal lines and fleur-de-lis (one of my versions) quilted in the edges. On the back, those quilting lines made "on point boxes" with the fleur-de-lis in the corners and the custom design for each pieced block in the middle. I quilted hooked feathers in the borders.

My family really likes this quilt. They say it looks "old fashioned". I know that this SAL was called "Grandmother's Choice", but I would like to name it differently - so I need your input. I kinda thought about "Nene's Royale". My grandma name is "Nene" and I love the royal purple in the quilt. What do you think?

Other news on the Fullagar Home Front:

Two weeks ago our oldest daughter (lives next door) was riding her young horse and he fell with her. Result - broken medial malleolous of the tibia in the left leg. Splint cast, non-weight bearing. So....Gramps and I have had to help with all her activities - which includes some care of Gracen - really hated that!! LOL Hated that she broke her leg - but love taking care of sweet little Gracen!!

This is the only photo that I have right now of Gracen's "Ice Cream Social" B-day party! A little fuzzy - but isn't she sooooo cute!! (Nene made her cake!)

I got our porches all cleaned yesterday, and put up a few simple fall decorations. Now that the weather is getting cooler, Gracen loves to play on the porch and I love to sit and do handwork while she plays!

Hope this finds each of you filled with Joy!

A side note: If you click on the "Bluebird" in my side bar, it will take you to my etsy shop. I do have four quilts for sale, and if any of you are interested, make me an offer.



  1. Congratulations on finishing up your gorgeous GC quilt! And so quickly too! It does look old-fashioned but there is NOTHING wrong with that at all! No wonder your family likes it!!!

    Sorry to hear that your DD broke her leg... *ouchie* ...and hope its healing well.

    And I know what a "burden" it must be to keep that adorable little Gracen! What a cutie pie!!!

  2. Wow Doniene!!! What a gorgeous finish!!! You did such a great job on the FMQ - and quickly too!!! I love your name for it - it fits it (and you) perfectly :*) Gracen is growing up so cute! Love the way she is diving into that cake :*)

  3. Wow is all I can say! Going to check out your shop and see what you have there. I love Gracen's photo-what a beauty she is! Sorry about your daughter but glad she lives next door-makes life so much easier. Feel free to email me prayer requests as needed.
    Sending love to you today!

  4. Your FMQ is FANASTIC! I have to practice, practice, practice for years to be somewhere two lighting years from you
    Yes, this quilt looks old fashioned but that's the way we like it
    Sorry for your DD, hope she would soon be OK, Gracen is so sweet

  5. Gorgeous Doniene! Your quilting is beautiful and I think the name you have chosen is perfect!
    Sweet little granddaughter :) Hope your daughter heals quickly!

  6. I like the name you chose...makes the quilt that more special.
    Oh my your poor daughter but I know you are really enjoying loving that precious grandbaby.

  7. Truly a beautiful quilt and you did a fabulous job on the quilting.

  8. Every time you show your FMQ I find myself thinking, "I couldn't do that." You continue to blow me away with how quickly and independently you have picked up on this skill. This was no small task, and you accomplished it beautifully!
    Old fashioned? I prefer to think "warm and inviting"! And it is definitely that! You know I love purple and this quilt sings to me!
    What a cutie little Gracen is! I am sorry about your daughter's injury, but it is nice that you are close at hand.
    I would love to be able to sit and stitch with you on that porch! Are there mosquitos in your area? : )

  9. That is such a lovely finish ... and great idea for a name. I wish one of my daughters and granddaughters lived next door. Lucky you ca jump in there and help.

  10. Janet took the words right out of my mouth and now I am speechless. LOL , yes, you can laugh. You know better than that, don't you?
    I'm thinking you may have multiple family members eyeing that quilt...its stunning.
    I can not believe how much your sweet Gracen has grown. Sending prayers for speedy healing for your girl.
    So much for speechless...

  11. A-W-E-S-O-M-E, B-E-A-UT-I-F-U-L ! Please bring it to the meeting next week. You are really mastering FMQ ! So sorry to hear about your daughters leg, Bless her. Little Gracen is a doll baby ! Bless you too sweet friend.

  12. Beautiful Doniene!!! Haven't the purples worked well? And awesome quilting, a true sampler quilt!! It sure looks like a comfortable quilt, warm and inviting as Janet put it. Sorry to hear about M's leg. I hope she heals well and quickly...I guess it is a silver lining spending more time with Gracen...enjoy your porch time :-)

  13. Nene's Royale sounds perfect! What a beautiful quilt! Congrats on the finish. You do all that FMQ on your domestic machine? Wow!
    Hope your daughter heals quickly. Gracen is such a cutie!
    Such pretty fall decorations. I'd love to sit with you on your porch, too!

  14. Congratulations on your finish! I like your choice on a name. I always struggle to name my quilts. So sorry your daughter broke her leg, ouch! Sweet she has you to help with your lovely grand daughter.
    LOVE your front porch!

  15. Congrats on the finish of Nene's Royale... the perfect name for this beauty!!! Your FMQ is wonderful, Doniene! Have fun taking care of the little angel Gracen... so sorry her Mommy broke her ankle!!! (Those medial malleolus fractures are no fun... I've x-rayed a few in my career!)

  16. Your quilt is Gorgeous!! I can't believe you quilted each block differently! How did you come up with so many designs? It looks amazing!

  17. Great job, Doniene. It's gorgeous.

  18. Congratulations - your quilt is GORGEOUS! Beautiful blocks, beautiful quilting... such a treasure! Sorry to hear DD broke her leg. Gracen is such a beautiful little Angel!

  19. This quilt is simply beautiful - I love the colors! blessings, marlene

  20. Love the quilt!! Great job!! And love that smash cake YOU made! :)

  21. Love the quilt!! Great job!! And love that smash cake YOU made! :)

  22. the quilting on your Nenes Royale (i think that's a great name btw) is beautiful and i can see why your family is loving it.

    i have been cleaning and redecorating the porches for fall too. we may be getting our first frost tonight which is quite a bit later this year than it often comes.


  23. Wow, that is beautiful. A fantastic job on a domestic machine. Just think what you could do with a longarm! Prayers for your daughter but soak up all the lovin' from the baby! Missed you this week at Guild.

  24. Wow, that is beautiful. A fantastic job on a domestic machine. Just think what you could do with a longarm! Prayers for your daughter but soak up all the lovin' from the baby! Missed you this week at Guild.

  25. This quilt is gorgeous, Doniene! I love the colours you have used in it! And the setting really compliments the sampler blocks! You have done a fabulous job quilting it! And the name "Nene's Royale" is perfect.

    Hope your DD is on the mend! Enjoy spending tim ewith G ;-)

    Happy quilting!
    Hugs and stitches from me

  26. Your quilt is just beautiful. You should be very proud of it. And I like the idea of renaming it - Nene's Royale is a perfect name!

  27. Congratulation.
    Your quilt looks fantastic.
    Your quilting is perfect.

    Greetings, Manuela from Germany.


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!