
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Grandmother's Choice is a Wrap!!

Well, I did it!! My first bed sized quilt all machine quilted and bound!!! This was Grandmother's Choice a BOW hosted by Barbara Brackman. We got our last block the first week of August (I think), so I feel pretty good about a total finish so quickly!!

I had a lot of fun "practicing" my fmq. This was a sampler quilt with 49 blocks, so I quilted each of those blocks differently. The chain setting blocks are all quilted the same with diagonal lines and fleur-de-lis (one of my versions) quilted in the edges. On the back, those quilting lines made "on point boxes" with the fleur-de-lis in the corners and the custom design for each pieced block in the middle. I quilted hooked feathers in the borders.

My family really likes this quilt. They say it looks "old fashioned". I know that this SAL was called "Grandmother's Choice", but I would like to name it differently - so I need your input. I kinda thought about "Nene's Royale". My grandma name is "Nene" and I love the royal purple in the quilt. What do you think?

Other news on the Fullagar Home Front:

Two weeks ago our oldest daughter (lives next door) was riding her young horse and he fell with her. Result - broken medial malleolous of the tibia in the left leg. Splint cast, non-weight bearing. So....Gramps and I have had to help with all her activities - which includes some care of Gracen - really hated that!! LOL Hated that she broke her leg - but love taking care of sweet little Gracen!!

This is the only photo that I have right now of Gracen's "Ice Cream Social" B-day party! A little fuzzy - but isn't she sooooo cute!! (Nene made her cake!)

I got our porches all cleaned yesterday, and put up a few simple fall decorations. Now that the weather is getting cooler, Gracen loves to play on the porch and I love to sit and do handwork while she plays!

Hope this finds each of you filled with Joy!

A side note: If you click on the "Bluebird" in my side bar, it will take you to my etsy shop. I do have four quilts for sale, and if any of you are interested, make me an offer.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Autumn Splendor

Howdy blogging buddies!!! I have got bunches to post about - some quilty, some not quilty, but this post is a short one. I entered a quilt in the weekly contest (I usually don't do this kind of thing - but others have and I have enjoyed going and voting for them! Plus, what great inspiration  - like we need more!!) over at Quilting Gallery. So if you are so inclined, hope on over and give me a vote - plus any others that inspire you (there's a bunch of great ones!!) Plus, you might win a prize just for voting!!

Here's my quilt - "Autumn Splendor".

 Here's a few close ups of the fmq. I've found that I LOVE making leaves!!

Today, Gracen is ONE YEAR OLD!!!! I'll post more later!!

Be filled with joy!!