
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Cotton Candy!!

I have been finishing up some quilting projects and starting a couple more!! Thought I would share the third baby quilt. This one was commissioned by my DIL - a gift for a family friend. Lyn loves more modern, bold fabrics and I always feel "challenged" that I will be able to make it look the way she envisioned it. I do have a few little "things/mistakes" in this quilt, but overall I think it will be okay. I did really enjoy FMQ several different motifs, especially the lollipop flowers in the top and bottom rows. The colors remind me of cotton candy, and the motifs were fun, so thought "Cotton Candy" fit for a name.

Hope this finds each of you filled with JOY!!


  1. Wow, look at you go, girl! The seeming ease with which you pick up on FMQ astounds me--mostly because it didn't work that way for me.
    LOVE those lollipop flowers. They are so cute. : )
    Do you have an artistic background? You "draw" with your machine so well!!

  2. Oh my goodness Doniene! So stinkin' cute! I absolutely love the flower on the blue/white fabric! I'm going to have to remember that one for when/if I ever get serious about FMQ! :)

  3. Every quilt you make is adorable!!
    I love them and I am sure the receivers will, too.


  4. I loved that quilt ! What are you talking about, it had NO mistakes, no not one ! You are a talented ranch lady and I'm always glad when we get to visit. You are an inspiration to me. Blessings my friend.

  5. Hi there, I have to say this is perfect for a little girl! Love your machine quilting too-you are so talented. I've been working so much on the quilt but only have three blocks completed with stitching. I sure love the hand work but it would be easier to do more if I machine quilted it. Hope you have a joy filled day my friend! Hugs to you.

  6. Fabulous work! Love your FMQ.
    I think the fabrics look wonderful and it will be a much loved gift.

  7. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!! You did a great job quilting!

  8. Hello my friend! This is wonderful!! Very pretty quilt, so perfect for a modern baby girl, and look at your fmq-ing go!! Woohoo, another lovely finish Doniene - isn't it true what they say; practise really does help the fmq?!!

  9. That is a very sweet quilt. Great colors and the lollipop flower quilting on the border is PERFECT!

  10. It's fantastic! And it looks soft, cozy AND modern at the same time! Well done!

  11. so cute and love the flowers you quilted on it.

  12. That's such a pretty quilt. I'm impressed with your beautiful FMQ. That flower is lovely.

  13. I LOVE it! It is soooo cute!! Thank you!!

  14. A perfect modern quilt for a little girl! Love the whimsical quilted flowers you FMQ... so darn cute!!!

  15. Oh, how pretty! Such fun quilting - makes it interesting to do and look at to have so much variety. Your family is lucky to have you around to make these special gifts!

  16. Wow girlfriend! I just love the fun fabrics you have going on in this "sweet" quilt! And the FMQ motifs are so perfect - GREAT JOB!!!!

  17. VERY cute little quilt and perfectly named~!

    you get so much finished. i'm totally impressed.


  18. This is so pretty! The colours are gorgeous. I think you've found modern looking is in your repertoire!


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