
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tomatoes & Sunshine

...that's what I named my latest finish! A perfect match to a perfect summer day! I kept telling myself that I needed to post, but I kept saying when I finish just one more project - so this morning during the cool, Gracen and I sat outside on the porch and she played on the utility quilt (white one the porch) that was stitched by her great grandmother and I finished up the binding! It was a pleasant time - so relaxing and refreshing before the heat of the day runs inside under the AC.

I had fun (most of the time - except when it got late and I was a little tired - added those "character" stitches!! LOL) "practicing" my FMQ. I quilted "Snail Tails", "Whirlygigs" and "Wonky Echoes Diamonds"! and what better summer fabric, but red gingham for the backing!!

I've had several other finishes: two wee care quilts for our guild benevolence. One I forgot to get a photo before I took it to guild meeting, but here is the other. The guild received several big tubs of donated fabric and Marcella handed me a pile of fabric and said, "Here, doing something with this!" It was  panel fabrics with coordinated prints and I cut out the panels and added sashing and cornerstones.

I practiced (again) some more new designs that I found on Lori's blog! Every Tuesday she does a FMQ tutorial and she has a tab with many of her designs for you to reference!! I LOVE her methods and designs, so added some to my quilting!!

In the sashing is what she calls "the twist". Of course mine are NOT as "perfect" as hers - but they turned out pretty cute!! I did "A string of hearts in the outer border and then practiced my straight line FMQ around each block and then on the cross hatches on some of the motifs like the star. The lines were pre-printed, so it gave me an opportunity to practice following lines. The other wee care quilt has similar blocks but is blue and yellow. I quilted loop de loops and stipples on it.

In that stack of fabric there was also a panel of a Mary Englebreit design from which I had made a wee care quilt several months ago, but there were two little 8" x 11" panels left over, so I made two little quilts from them. One I sent to a friend in Colorado and the other I'm going to give to Marcella! She has a collection of teapots and one is a Mary E. so I thought this would make a cute little mat for that tea pot!

I also have another finish. This one was for a client (a co-worker of Mandie's) and it was my first bed-sized quilt to quilt on my DSM. Adrianna had bought the top at a garage sale for $1!! (where was I when this garage sale was going on!! LOL) I added the border (her choice) and quilted it for her. She chose poly batting and much to my surprise it quilted up very nicely! There must have been over 100 different fabrics, and it was so fun to stitch along and see every one!! From what I hear, Adrianna's mother (who had suffered a stroke) was trying to keep it for herself!! So, I guess they were happy customers! As you can see in the photo, I just cross hatched the center and did a double cable in the border. I also did something new - I rounded the corners to match the rounded cable corners and I think it gave it a unique look.

Last, but not least, Karin and I met up again as she made a pass through town!! We always have such a sweet time together and this time was no different even though she could only stop for a few minutes to "stretch her legs" and "hug my neck"!! Of course we met up at the fabric shop and she helped me pick out binding for a baby quilt. AND this time I remembered my camera so you can see that we really do meet up!!

Aren't those fabrics just wonderful!!!! LOL!!

She had been shopping at another quilt shop in another town and she so very, very, very generously gifted me with some 1/2 yard cuts of some CW repros she had picked up! Aren't they wonderful!! She just blessed my socks off!!

Well, I've tarried long enough here! I do want each of you to know that your kind words of concern over my loss of Tate touched me deeply. He is still sorely missed, but my two young dogs Pete and Bess have stepped up and are attempting to fill his "paws"! Blessings to each of you!


  1. Love Tomatoes & Sunshine--and what a fun name! : )
    Look at you go on the FMQ!! Wow--and you did that big quilt on your DMS machine. You are amazing!
    Karin's gift to you is very sweet--I recognize some of those gorgeous Savannah prints. Wonderful!!

  2. Oh such fun Doniene!
    I absolutely love Tomatoes and Sunshine! The colors are so perfect together!
    Also, what a fun patchwork garage find to quilt :)
    Beautiful work!

  3. Goodness, you have been busy! I love the red and yellow of Tomatoes and Sunshine... fun fabrics! Your quilting in all of the projects is very nice! Also love the rounded corners of the garage sale quilt. Wow... that was quite a nice find! Always fun to meet another quilter for a little shopping... such lovely fabrics gifted to you!

  4. Wow, you did some wonderful projects - I love the quilts, especially the ones from panels - very nice.

    It is fun to meet other bloggers in person.

  5. Your quilting is wonderful! Great projects! And thanks for the link to Lori's blog. I was not aware of it and there are so many wonderful quilting designs on it! I think I might have fun trying them out!

  6. I love Tomatos and Sunshine! I have no idea where it is if it comes up missing!! :) Love all your projects! Amazing as always! And Adriana gave in and gave the quilt to her mom! And she also already gave the second lap quilt to her sister already. I knew she couldn't wait until Christmas!
    Love ya!

  7. I love the name Tomatoes and Sunshine ! You are going to have to teach a class at the guild on FMQ on a domestic machine, you're very good. Enjoyed reading about your quilting ! How nice you and Karin got a chance to see each other, she's even cuter than I thought she must be. Her blog picture doesn't show her face very well. CUTE LADY!

  8. A very clever name name for your red and yellow quilt. I'm working on a blue and yellow Jacob's Ladder and your cleverness made me think of Blueberries and Sunshine for the name.

    Cute photo of you and Karin. Good thing you two didn't have longer to visit or you might have gotten into trouble...????

  9. Wonderful finishes Doniene!!! Thanks for the tip about Lori's blog - I'm now following :*) Glad to hear you are beginning to move beyond the pain of loss. It's just not something you can hurry, is it?

  10. that is a perfect name for your quilt especially since you are finishing up during the summertime.

  11. My, you've been busy! Tomatoes and Sunshine is lovely - I love gingham! I can understand why they are "fighting" over the vintage quilt. You completed a treasure! So much in this post! You always know how to pull things together. How nice you got to visit again with Karin.

  12. you are a busy gal~!
    your tomatoes and sunshine quilt is wonderful and the gingham backing a perfect choice.

    i really like the softening effect of the rounded borders on the yard sale (!!) quilt too.


  13. Ok so here is me saying a quick peak at your blog... wow you have been so busy!! Love your tomatoes quilt and all your fmq is so great!! I have recently discovered Lori's blog too and love her ideas and tutorials.What a great yard sale find and a lovely finish on it. How nice it is to meet bloggy friends :-)

  14. I love Tomatoes and Sunshine (and the name), too! And I'm so tickled that you and Karin had an impromptu meet and greet! What FUN!! :)


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!