
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Stockings were hung...with care!

Voila!!! I finished Gracen's Christmas stocking that hangs at Nene and Gramps' house!!

The bow on the top left is made from a hanky that was my grandmother's. Loved the colors, and thought it would be a nice addition!.

For those that wondered - if you look at my last post you will see some "paper" pinned on the stocking. Well, I couldn't write Gracen's name on the burlap, so I wrote it on tracing paper, pinned it in place and then stitched through it. I was using DMC #5 Perle Cotton with a large needle, so it made big perforations in the paper. When I finished, I gently tore the tracing paper away and it worked wonderfully!

Another note of interest. A couple of people have asked about my name. Well I did a google search and found that there is an area in the Basque area of Spain (northern on the Bay of Biscay) that has a winery with  my name but also there is a 70 ft fishing vessel which was constructed in that area and yep, you got it! It is named DONIENE!! I got this photo from the internet, and just had to show you! I'm not an ocean person - I've only seen the Gulf of Mexico one time, but this is one beautiful ship!!

Hope you and all yours have a Blessed Holiday Season filled with Love, Joy and Peace!!!


  1. I was wondering about that paper! What a great idea and I will definitely remember it. Don't you just LOVE Perle Cotton!!! I hope you have a day full of blessings!

  2. P.S. The handkerchief bow adds a very precious touch to Gracen's stocking. It is a beautiful tribute.

  3. I wondered about your name--I thought your "PAPPA" named you!

    Love Gracen's name and so special that you made her the stocking with the treasured family heirloom handkerchief!


  4. What a charming stocking for Gracen! And the "bow" adds an extra special touch...

    I think "Doniene" means "creative genius"....

  5. The Hankie bow is such a special touch, Doniene. Love that! Little Gracen is lucky to have such a loving, sweet Grandma.

  6. The stocking turned out well, what a beautiful touch with the hankie. It's interesting to hear about your name. I had wondered if it was a 'USA' name a bit like mine seems to be a 'kiwi' name!!

  7. Oh Doniene, the touch of the hankie bow on the stocking is perfect and so sweet! Before I paid attention to whose blog I'd pulled up (I'll open up a bunch, and then go through the tabs), I scrolled through the pictures -- the picture of the ship caught me up short, because I knew I'd seen it very recently! LOL! Hugs to you! :)

  8. The bow is a beautiful touch - what a lovely stocking! I think your daughter was right about the stocking - It's big! Have fun filling it with goodies!
    Interesting about your name. My questions is how to pronounce it. I'm not sure I'm saying it in my head right.

  9. You did a wonderful job on Gracen's stocking! And the hanky is the perfect touch!

  10. Gracen's stocking is just precious... how special to add the family heirloom hankerchief! I too, wonder how to pronounce your name correctly! Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  11. Wow beautiful stocking Doniene, and that bow is so special. I love those stories.
    I had to laugh about the ship which is named like you!

  12. The stocking is really sweet ;-) I am making notes so when I have a GC I can do some of these special projects too.
    Love hearing about your wonderful name - very special.
    Thank you for the wonderful year of sharing and beautiful projects.
    Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays! Have a wonderful week - hope you start 2013 in a special way!!

  13. Merry Christmas! * Vrolijk Kerstfeest!

    Happy and Healthy New Year! * Gelukkig en Gezond Nieuwjaar!

    Gracen's Xmas stocking is beautiful * Gracens Kerstsok is prachtig

    Isn't the ship a mother ship? How appropriate :>)




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