
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Doniene's Guidelines for FMQ

Really this post is going to be about FMQ - but when I uploaded my photos to the computer, this darling shot of Gracen and her Aunt Mammie (Mandie - my D2)was right there - so just had to "show off" a little!! What a joy to have family together!! They even had matching hats!!

Well, I did it!! I dove into FMQ big time!! For Christmas gifts I made 5 lap quilts each measuring about 58" X 68". I have seen all of you out there in blog land just churning out these beautiful creations using FMQ. So for several months I've been studying and ooooing and aaaahing. I've watched tutorials on-line, I asked questions, I've looked again and again...and I dove in!!!  But in the process I've created "MY" list of FMQ Guidelines!!!

#1.  FMQ is a lot like loping horses in circles. You've got to look where you are going, not where you are or where you have been.

Mike's mom's quilt

#2. FMQ is a lot like running a fast break in basketball - controlled speed and you've got to see the whole court.

Mollie's quilt - front

Mollie's quilt - back

#3. FMQ is a lot like life - there are bumps and wobbles along the way - but you just keep going - fix a few and don't worry about the others.

Mikkie's quilt - front

Mikkie's quilt - back

Mikkie's quilt - detail

#4. FMQ is a lot like anything you do - do it in small manageable parts and you don't get overwhelmed!

Mandie's quilt - front

Mandie's quilt - back

#5. FMQ is lot like training Border Collies - don't do it when you are tired, cranky or just had a disagreement with your husband!

Lyn's quilt - front

Lyn's quilt - back

#6. FMQ is a lot like I do everything - with passion, love, and endurance!

Now I'm going to make me something!!

Happy, Happy, Blessed New Year!!!!!


  1. Oh, Doniene, you are a treasure! This post made me smile, then giggle, then LOL!
    Truth in everything you said--and the quilts are beautiful. Great work--very ambitious, too, but you pulled it off. Yes, do make something for you!
    And what an adorable photo of Mandie and Gracen. How do you ever let them take that little gal home? : )

  2. Gracen is truly a beautiful baby, and from the looks of it, quite the fashionable one. Did you make those darling hats - precious photo. :)
    Oh, I am so impressed with your mastering of FMQ as well as your lovely quilts! You have given me courage and I love your clever analogies! I haven't sewn in over a week and I am itching to do so.

  3. Beautifol post about your Quilting (the truth in) and Life.

    Blessings and Happy, Happy new Year!
    Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!


  4. Nice quilts and great tips. I've never tried FMQ; it's intimidating.

  5. Each and every one of those rules is perfect! And your quilts are wonderful! I'm betting each recipient is feeling very lucky with their treasure! Well done! And now, what are you making for you???

    Oh.....and sweet matching hats on the girls! :o)

  6. Love this post and have to either put it on my Pintrest page or mark it in someway. Your rules are great, so true and also give me a little giggle at the same time. Gracen is a darling little girl, as is your daughter.

  7. Gracen is a complete darling...irresistible! There is much truth in your FMQ points! Especially #5! LOL! All your quilts are lovely and reflect your passion, love and endurance! :)

  8. I am just sitting her drooling! How blessed your family was to receive gifts made with such loving hands.
    Love the photo of Auntie with her niece, so cute! Happy new Year,

  9. They are wonderful! I am very impressed --- so many finished quilts for gifts! Your FMQ is great! I started on 12-inch quilt sandwiches and worked my way up to table runners, etc. I still have not attempted a full size quilt, but once I have saved enough $$ for my HQ Sweet 16 or Baby Lock Tiara that will all change. I am not very creative with anything free-hand. As a matter of fact, any attempt at drawing looks like kindergarten work. Soooo, my FMQ is limited to a meandering stippling stitch. I occasionally throw in a little new moon kind of thingie but that is about it. I love looking at your pictures. Your little Gracen is a picture of beauty. She is one lucky little girl to be surrounded by such a loving, Christian family. I am glad we are friends!

  10. The quilts are wonderful! And I love your rules for FMQ! They are so true! It really feels good to have completed the quilt by yourself, doesn't it? I can't imagine sending any of my creations out to be quilted by someone else any more. It really give a sense of accomplishment!

  11. Wow! You have been busy. I applaud you for diving in. And by the way, adorable picture of Gracen!

  12. Great tips, thank you! I love the practical ideas like where to look.

  13. have been a busy little bee.
    Love the quilts too.....and it is very satisfying to make them all yourself and not send them to the LAQ.
    And your little granddaughter is beautiful....

  14. Lovely quilts Doniene and you just have to FMQ and not be scared of it. Happy New Year!

  15. Love the picture of daugther and granddaugther.
    You really have been busy in FMQ, with great results.

    Thanks for the new Year wish, the same to all of you from us♥

    Kind regards,

  16. Wonderful post - very thoughtful and so true! You really did dive into FMQing didn't you! Great job! I'm sure all the recipients were very happy with their quilts. Beautiful opening photo! Happy New Year!

  17. Congratulations on diving in and finding your way! Beautiful quilts and so fun to give as gifts.:)

  18. What a great picture of Gracen and Mandie! Getting in some good aunt/niece time together :*)

    Those are amazing tips for FMQ - as well as for just about anything we approach in life! Congratulations on quilting some wonderful quilts - they're lovely, just like you :*)

    Blessings to you and yours in this New Year!!!


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!