
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Slow Sunday Stitching

Though I have been busy today with various things that needed to be done before the cold weather came, I am "slow stitching" binding on two baby quilts. Reveal in a day or two when I finish them up and have them washed and ready to go!

I'm thankful for our veterans, and I pray blessings for them and their families!!! Prayers for those still recuperating from Sandy!! Thankful for each one of you - always a treat to visit each of you and be inspired!!



  1. Baby quilts! Such a sweet and rewarding slow stitching past-time :*) I will be making one of those soon since our son is expecting in March.

  2. What a relaxing activity to enjoy today :)
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  3. I think I see that sweet Granny Squares quilt in there. Can't wait to see everything!

  4. I've just finished binding on two baby quilts for twins. It is my favorite Sunday activity; hands are occupied with sewing and mind is free for planning next quilts. Perfect!

  5. Good you had a great Sunday.
    The baby quilts look wonderful - what great gifts.
    Have a fabulous week!

  6. Found my way over from Karin's blog -- why haven't I found you sooner?! I can tell just from the first few entries I've scrolled through and who your regular comments come from that you will be a favorite of mine! :)

  7. Lovely quilts, I thinks babies need color and lots of it, and if they could talk, they would probably tell us! these colors are beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing.


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!