
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Scrap or Scrappy? & FFFF

Can you believe it is the fifteenth and I'm actually posting the fabric for this month's FFFF! This one has been fun for me and I hope is fun for you as well!

First of all I must say that quilt blogging friends are the best!! Maureen was so sweet and sent me a surprise package! Some solid scraps for my Barrister's blocks and also 4 fat 16ths that are so special!!

Aren't they just well...special! And I have a little star quilt planned (bet you couldn't guess that!! LOL)

I have never had 16ths in the technical sort of way, but they are perfect for a little project and I thought I would pass the fun on to you. So for this month I'm giving away 8 sets of 4 fat 16ths and I'm going to choose two winners. So whomever I draw first will get their first 4 choices and the name which I draw second will get the other 4 sets. So all in all, you won't get much fabric, but it should be enough to make a cute little project!

But first of all, we need to have a little discussion!!

Scrap or Scrappy? Which is it? When I entered blog land, I learned several new terms with which I was not familiar - "leaders/enders", "flimsy", "sow-a-long", "scrappy" just to name a few. For the most part, I assimilated them into my vocabulary, but I have struggled with "SCRAPPY"!!

"Scrappy", to me, describes the little wiry haired mutt that lives in the alley and beats all the other dogs to the scraps thrown out by the diner owners!
"Scrappy", to me, describes the light weight boxer that bounces around the ring!
"Scrappy" was how people described me when I played basketball!

I NEVER thought of a quilt being "scrappy". A quilt was a "scrap" quilt when it was made with multiple fabrics.

Alas, I have resigned myself to the fact that many quilters use "scrappy" to describe a particular style of quilt.
But...I will make a distinction!

A "Scrappy" quilt is one that is made from a large variety of fabrics not used in a previous project!

A "Scrap" quilt is one that is made from scraps from previous projects, albeit clothing, linens, or quilts!

So... to enter for a chance to win this month's FFFF, leave me a comment on this post about what "scrappy" and "scrap" means to you. Also, list your 4 favorite groups of fat 16ths!

Group #1

Group #2

Group #3

Group #4

Group #5

Group #6

Group #7

Group #8

Happy Quilting Ya'll!!!


  1. Wow, Doniene, I see your point, but I have never given it that much thought. I like your distinction between
    "scrap" and "scrappy". It works for me, but I may not remember it when I am actually posting about quilts on my blog. So forgive me in advance if I say something incorrectly and annoy you. : )
    I had never heard of fat 16ths. How fun. Did someone say "little project"? I can do that--and it seems lately I can do nothing else.
    My favorites would be 2,5,6 and 7, though they are all pretty!
    Very nice gift from Maureen. She is such a nice lady!

  2. My first scrap quilt was also a scrappy one, because I made it from scraps, leftovers from the children's clothes I had sewn over the years. It was also scrappy I think, because the original fabrics were sewn into clothes, curtains, bed and baby linen.
    As said it was my very first quilt, my first and favourite.
    I donated it to a young woman in Bosnia.
    There are moments I regret that, as there aren't leftovers or scraps from those scraps anymore...
    I am not very familiar to blogger's language yet. There's still much to learn for me; it's all new and so different from my school-English from 40 years ago :>)

    My choice in your give Away would be numbers 2-4-5-7

    Thank you for offering the possibility to win the lovely fabrics!



  3. Hmmm... interesting... *processing thoughts*

    I don't think I have a clear definition for either term but have organized scrap/scrappy in a different way... and it's going to take some thought as to definitions.

    I'm thinking that use of fabric scraps without planning would make a scrappy or scrap quilt. For example, if I dive into my scrap bins and make string blocks... that would be a scrap or scrappy quilt.

    If I dig into my 1800s repro fabrics (leftover from another project) to make a sampler quilt... I'm not sure I would consider that a scrappy or scrap quilt.

    The pink-and-white "rose border" quilt uses multiple pink fabrics, some from my scrap bins, some purchased specifically for the quilt... I don't consider that a scrappy or scrap quilt.

    A color wash quilt made from one's scrap bins isn't a scrappy or scrap quilt.

    A postage stamp quilt made from multiple fabrics with no regard to type/style of fabric is a scrappy or scrap quilt.

    Organized quilts with multiple fabric such as Bonnie Hunter's RRCB or Orca Bay can be scrappy but not necessarily a scrap quilt.

    I suppose a scrap quilt is more "use whatever I have and toss it all in the quilt." A scrappy quilt may use fabric scraps but has more organization and intentional use of fabrics.

    Makes no sense at all, does it? *lol*

    Okay, now I gotta pick my four favorite groups, huh?

    Group #8: I love anything with fruit on it!

    Then groups 3, 5 and 7!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I am making my Farmer's Daughter Quilt scrappy. That means I did not purchase all the fabric for the quilt ahead of time. I'm also not trying to coordinate all the fabrics. I mostly use my scraps left from other projects but have also been known to buy a fat quarter of a fabric I wanted included in my quilt! I don't know if that clears up anything for you! I love the #1 set best but would be happy with any of them. Susan

  5. I like the distinction you make between scrappy and scrap quilts. I really hadn't given it much thought. I usually just think scrap quilts. I like 1, 2, 6, and 7. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. I like to think that a 'scrap' quilt is made from the leftover bits and pieces of other projects or garments. And a 'scrappy' quilt is when a block or pattern in the quilt is made up of several different fabrics, like having different fabrics for each star point. When all the points, and all the blocks are the same fabrics, then I call that 'planned'.....ugh! No fun!

    Scrappy is GOOD! lol

    I'm loving 1, 2, 3, and 6! Thanks!

  7. Doniene, I followed you here from a comment you made to Karin. Your concept of 'scrap' and 'scrappy' quilt is interesting.

    I never use the word scrappy in reference to a quilt and I belong to two guilds and I've never noticed anyone saying scrappy there either. We all make 'scrap' quilts.

    Your are right about scrappy --- brings to mind a tough little junk yard dog!!

    If I should be so lucky, my choices are 2 - 4 - 6 - 7.

    Love your dogs. We have Jack Russells, a German Shepherd and a sweet spaniel mix we rescued from the pound.

  8. I feel like I just won fabric from you so I'll let someone else be the lucky winner.
    I like your definitions of scrap and scrappy. It made me think about how I use these words. Not exactly interchangeable, but almost.

  9. Oh, I hope I'm not too late for your giveaway. "Scrappy" is a popular word in my neck of the woods. "Scrappy" is just a cuter, funner (sorry, redneck vocabulary)word. I do like the way you discribed the distinction between the two. Thanks for the chance to win some wonderful fabric. My favorites are 1-2-5-6!

  10. I think the two words can be used interchangebly. I make scrap quilts and scrappy quilts!
    I love group 1 fabrcis.

  11. Hmmm i dont really know the distinction between the two... To me, they can be used interchangeably, though i prefer to use scrap than scrappy:p Oh btw my fave are 2,4,5,7


  12. Hi Doniene, it is a sunny morning overhere and I saw I didn't enter your Giveaway..... How is that....!!!
    Well, anyway..
    You know, I didn't even know what the term "scrappy" (or scrap..) ment when I started blogging and entered the world of Blog-Quilting???
    It is a typical quilting-term, I quess....
    The Dutch word for "scrappy" means incoherent....: onsamenhangend.
    So I learned about scrappy threw quilting!
    And you knnow: I just L*O*V*E scrappy quilts!! And to me they mean that you use all small fabrics of previous quilts so they make a gorgeous memory of what you have made (and mostly given away....)
    Therefore I would love to enter your Give-away to make a scrappy quilt that reminds me of the beautiful people there are in Quilting-Blogland!
    My choice would be: group 1; 2; 4 and 6.
    They sort of blend in together and I think they would look real "scrappy" and cheerfull!!
    Enjoy your day and God Bless.
    Love from the Netherlands! <3

  13. hi doniene good to 'see' you to me scrap means you use your scraps to make it. i like 1,2,3,and 5 thanks for the giveaway

  14. I like your conclusion on scrap and scrappy. Hadn't given it mush thought before.

    All the star are wonderful. They work so well in the little quilts.



I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!