
Tuesday, May 1, 2012


If any of you follow Janet O. you know she is infamous for VERY loooooooong posts! (which I absolutely love, by the way!), but I never seem to find that much to post about - until today!!

Anniversary Giveaway  

May 7th will be my one year blogger anniversary. So in honor of that I'm giving away my second copy of one of my most favorite books ever!! If you like quilts "With a Past" this book by Jenny Carr Kinney is perfect! The designs can be used by hand quilters (like me) and machine quilters alike. So, just leave a comment on this post and tell me your all time favorite quilting design, and I'll put your name in my resident cowboy's trusty black hat and draw on winner on Monday, May 7, 2012.

My all time most favorite quilting design is cross hatching - in all sizes - I can only think of a couple of quilts that I DIDN'T use cross hatching at least in some part! So yes, TWQ will have crosshatching!

Guild Quilt Show 

Our guild quilt show was this past Saturday and Sunday. I was only able to help on Sunday afternoon, but it was so fun. The first quilt show that I have ever been involved with. The Best in Show quilt was TOTALLY AMAZING (my poor photography skills do not do the quilt justice). It was made by Mike's best friend's sil! And we didn't know that it was entered! So a double treat for us!!

Remember this quilt that Mike's mom made from her mother's 1930's and 1940's dresses? Well, we were short of entries, so I entered this one. And it won a ribbon!! Yeah for Mike's mom!!!

I also entered Mandie and Bobby's wedding quilt - the wool crazy quilt - and I won a ribbon too!!

Meeting Blogger Friends in Person! 

I became one of Lucy's followers soon after I began blogging. She does amazing quilts, and loves to hand quilt like I do. She also is an amazing photographer and we follow each others 365 photo blogs (hers and mine) and she had posted about the horses in the park where she bicycles (Lucy and her wonderful family live in the Netherlands). Well, a conversation ensued about horses there verses horses here, etc etc, and she said that she had ridden quite a bit as a girl and missed it. So, I said, "If you are ever in Texas, come ride with me, I have the perfect horse for you to ride!" Well, SHE DID!!! and she brought her wonderful husband along! We had the most amazing time yesterday, sharing our lives, horseback riding, eating, visiting, doing chores! I am still overwhelmed today at what a blessed event it was!!!! In fact, Mike and I had never even considered traveling to Europe, but now a seed is planted in our hearts to visit!

Lucy and Rene' brought such wonderful gifts for us! Tea towel with a Holstein Milk Cow (which is a big industry in the Netherlands) - she didn't even really know that I have several milk cows! The coffee mugs in Dutch colors with cows - my new favorite coffee mug!!! Hard to see, but a beautiful journal/notebook in Dutch figures and colors with a matching bookmark (top right hand corner) and "StroopWafels" translated - Syrup Waffles! Syrup poured on waffles and compressed to form a type of cookie!! YUM, YUM!!!!

And the cutest little wooden Dutch shoes with tulips and 'Holland" key chain. Lucy hand made the ball for the key chain! 

Here's Lucy on Glory, Rene' on Gal and Mike on Ranger! I got to be the photographer!! Lucy's camera is amazing and I want one!!! (maybe someday I'll be a better "picture taker"!!)

Blessings to Ya'll


  1. Fabulous Post!!
    Love the quilts and well deserved robbins - congratulations.
    What a fun meet up - love the smiles in the picture.
    Generous give away - I have a signed copy of the book - lucky me so I will give the opportunity to win to another commenter.
    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thank you for the giveaway! I like meandering lines.

  3. Congrats on the upcoming "Year" mark, Doniene!
    And congrats on the ribbons for the quilts in your show!
    Okay, so I'm trying to decide (tongue in cheek, here) if I appreciate the word "infamous" in reference to my long posts. *LOL* I know, it's true.
    How cool is that to meet a blog friend all the way from the Netherlands!! Incredible--and now you have a good reason to visit Europe! Very fun gifts she brought you.
    Hey, I will pass on the book--I just bought it a few months ago, and it is a good one. Great giveaway!
    But I will still give you my favorite quilting designs (I even do long comments, I know). The traditional looks are my favorites--like cross-hatching, Baptist fans and clamshells, etc.

  4. oh, yay! Lots to celebrate! That looks like a fun book. I love learning about the past and the quilts of old. I don't know that I have a favorite quilting pattern. I haven't tried enough of them yet. :) In fact I need your expertise. Next time I drive through I would like your advise on handquilting my wool patchwork quilt. Congratualtions on the quilting awards! I am so glad that you entered your fabulous crazy quilt! And what fun to meet and spend some time with Lucy and her husband! Isn't this blogging community wonderful? I love how God brings people together like that!

  5. at this time grannys are my favorite thanks for the giveaway

  6. What beautiful quilts... so inspiring!

    How cool to get a visit from a fellow blogger... so glad you had a good time! (Love those cookies!)

    I only quilt smaller quilts and my favorite of the ones I've done is the outline stitching I did on a tumbler quilt...

    My favorite pantograph (my LAQ uses those) is Belladonna... not sure who designed it... but it's gorgeous and looks great once washed... the quilt is really nice and crinkly!

    Thanks for the change at the give-away!

    Congratulations on your upcoming first anniversary of blogging!!!

  7. LOL! Yes, you are taking lessons from Janet!
    I, too, have the book and love it so don't put me in the giveaway. You are so generous!
    Congratulations on your ribbon! Well deserved!
    Fun to meet blogging buddies in person - especially from so far away. Glad you all were able to share the time together.

  8. I love Janet's long posts too - especially cuz she always includes lots of beautiful pictures! I hope to meet her in person one day - we only live one hour away from each other! My all time favorite quilting design is the Baptist Fan - it looks good on every single quilt, and it's fast and easy to do!

  9. Fabulous post! We love to hear about lots of fun stuff and pics of beautiful quilts! Congrats on your ribbons! And isn't it wonderful to meet up with blog friends! Maureen (commented above) and I met up last summer! I love this blogging stuff! And for hand quilting, I've not done much other than outlining and cross-hatching (LOVE that!), but am trying to pick more projects to do more handwork! Would love to try baptist fans on the next one!

  10. What a nice post Doniene, Now I realize that our visit was short I haven't seen (or noticed) your amazing quilts. (another reason to come back some day) Congrats on the ribbons. There was so much to see at your house. It is lovely welcoming.

  11. oh forgot to say but my all time favorite quilting design is feathers.. (but I mostly crosshatch my quilts ..)

  12. It must have been an amazing show and some lovely quilts earned well deserved ribbons. Take care.

  13. Lots of celebrating going on here!! I saw your blog at Janet O' side bar so it is funny that you first off mention her and her long post! I enjoy her blog as well. I'm not here to win the book just to chime in.

  14. Aren't you glad you started blogging? I have no regrets on starting a blog. I like to do cross hatching or the Baptist Fan. I cross hatch on the machine but hand quilt to do the Baptist Fan. I like an all-over quilting design.
    That is an amazing winning quilt.

  15. Wow - lots of wonderful shares in your blog post! Congratulations on the well deserved quilt ribbons. How awesome that you got to meet your online friend Lucy in person. Horseback riding and such generous gifts too - what a very special day.
    My favorite quilting design is one that I see so rarely - Feathered Pineapples.

  16. Wow! A fun post!! I have spent time with Lucy and her family and they are a lot of fun!!
    I love fans adn cross hatching, but I already own that book so I don't need to be i the drawing. Congratulations on yoru blogaversary!!
    Wonderful quilts in the show!! Congrats on that too!!

  17. Congratulations on your blog anniversary and quilt ribbons. I haven't hand quilted in so long. I miss did life get so busy?
    My favorite quilting designs are simple and traditional like everyone else. I also love a beautiful feather wreath in plain setting blocks. Our annual quilt guild show is held with our county fair. It is a lot of work but fun. The old dresses quilt and wedding quilt are keepsakes to treasure. I'm glad you got to meet up with Lucy.

  18. Enjoyed seeing all the lovely entries to the quilt show. Congrats on the ribbons! Never have entered a show but I guess I'd have to say that in a hand quilted work, I like the cross hatching. I also like fancy all over quilt designs as well. I love to hand quilt too. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving the sweet comment.


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