
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'M STILL HERE !!!!! Plus the very late Fabulous Fifteenth Fabric Freebie!!

I really am still around, but many events have prevented me from posting! I was away for Mother's Day weekend and got home late Sunday evening. Then on Monday evening we had rain!!!! Yeah!!!! Here is the rain water running into the cistern from the porch roof!

But during the storm we had two power outages within seconds of each other and it corrupted some files on our computer, so it had to go to the computer doctor. So we were without the computer last week. Then I was away last weekend for a very busy weekend of moving furniture for Mollie, working my border collies at two different friend's places, attending Mikkie's baby shower (I'm not sure if I've mentioned it, but I'm going to be a grandma! Mikkie and Tyler are having a little girl, "Gracen Kate", in September. I've started on the baby quilt, so will post about it later!) and seeing all of my kids except one!!! I picked up the computer late Sunday evening on my way home, and though it didn't fry the hard drive, everything had to be initialized again. So, I've spent the past two days getting all our settings and programs up and running! I am quite capable, but my patience is not what it used to be! LOL! Most everything is going again, but even though we saved all the pictures, we lost all our email addresses - bummer!

But, at least I now have things where I can add new pictures and show you what I've been doing!

Last week I finished hand quilting and binding the baby quilt that I made for a friend's granddaughter. I'm very pleased with how it turned out!

It is now on it's way to the little cutie!!

I'm working full force on TWQ, but have been interrupted many times. My goal is to have the top finished by June 1 and in the quilt frame - it is another that I will hand quilt! I'm shooting for August to have it finished, but.....

Lyn's (DIL) favorite color is green, which was also my mother's favorite color. For our guild FQ swap this month we were to bring a FQ in our mother's favorite color. Well, I've been buying up green fabric for over a year so that when I made TWQ I would have some choices. So for this month's FFFF I'm offering 6 green FQ's in honor of my mother and Lyn!

All you need to do to be entered in the giveaway is leave a comment on this post and tell me your mother's favorite color and a memory or story concerning your mom and that color!

My mom loved green so much, that everything was green - rooms, clothes, jewelry, bedding, dishes - you name it, it was green. It was time to paint the trim on our house which had white siding and mom asked us what color we wanted and we said - "anything but green"!!! We thought "blue" would be a nice change. So, she brought home two gallons of "Blue Spruce" paint! Yep, you're right - it was green!!!

I will put the names in my resident cowboy's trusty black hat and draw a winner next Monday, May 28, which is also Memorial Day!

Blessings to each of you!!!!


  1. hi doniene i was wondering where you had got of to. my mother love pinks and blues. glad you are back she died 7 years ago i i till miss her every days

  2. My mom's favorite color is pink and she always has a pink cake for her birthday. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I am kind of embarrassed to say I don't recall my mother talking about a favorite color. I thought about calling and asking her, but I just decided to guess. She decorated her living room in brown and blue and she wears a lot of blue, so maybe that is it. However, I gave her a coral colored rosebush one year because she loved it so much. Maybe I have no clue! : )
    Love the green fabrics, Doniene!

  4. My mom's favorite color is blue. There was never any question about the color of gifts if there was a choice. She and her sisters all have/had blue eyes and they all loved blue/orchid/lavender. When I see a scarf in this color range I think of them.

  5. I think my mom's favorite color is red, as I recall she wore red a lot when I was growing up. She also loves red roses, and would always have her picture taken next to the bouquet that someone sent her. Sweet!

  6. I don't know my mother's favourite colour and can't ask her, as she died of cancer, melanoma 29 years ago, only 57 years old (my current age).
    But, I can tell she loved her pink/red English Castle series' tea set and her favourite flower was the stephanotus, white, which was in her bridal bouquet; my father often bought her a stephanotus for their wedding day during their 32 years' marriage.
    (If gold is a colour, I prefer the colour of these golden memories.)



  7. Hey there stranger! Sounds like you've been on the go! Rain going into a cistern is a beautiful sight! Your baby quilt is so pretty and you are a speedy hand quilter! Sounds like you will be in the baby quilt business - so fun to welcome your newest blessings into the family with a new quilt! My Mom's favorite color? She doesn't really have one. She has a lot of classic black and white in her closet. But she loves fresh flowers and has an uncanny knack for putting together colorful arrangements. Then when it comes to their home, she tends to veer towards earthtones. Everything has to match. When they were building the house, I went down to visit and to help her choose wallpaper. She took a tile from the roof so that we could match the colors in wallpaper for the guest bathroom. LOL. She has impeccible taste. Sadly, I did not inherit any of it. :)

  8. Sorry about your computer troubles. My internet has been down much of the past week and it is very frustrating. My guild also does a FQ swap. This would be a fun theme. I'm not sure about my mother's favorite color. Your post made me realize that there are a lot of my mother's "favorites" that I'm not sure about. I better get to know her better. Cute baby quilt. Congrats on the new grandbaby. I'm also getting a new grandbaby at the end of the summer

  9. I know this is late, but I hope it is not too late. I think that Jaxon's quilt turned out great.
    My mom's favorite color?? I guess I could just ask you, but I would say lavender. Mainly because you wear it alot and look amazing in it, but also, it is the color that royals wear and you are royal in my eyes!I hope to grow up to become more like you. (I'm not grown up yet!)
    Love you!


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