
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Quilt Smorgabord - Literally !!

I have had several things that I have wanted to blog about, but just haven't taken the time to sit down and do it. I've just been reading blogs, getting inspired, getting sidetracked.....LOL!!!!

I recently started following Cheri and have enjoyed her work. I've even participated in one of her SAL, so when she said she was starting another, I told myself "Self you CANNOT do it, you have too much to do. You DON'T need another quilt project!!!"

But as many of you know STARS are my undoing!!! So yesterday, I just had to make these little cuties!! They are 3" blocks and I love them!! I can hardly wait to see what she will post today!!

So you are asking "Why Smorgasbord"? Well Cheri named this little beauty "APPLE BROWN BETTY"!

And I'm about 1/2 done with the flimsy for my "CHERRY LIMEADE".

I'm not sure if Apple Betty and Cherry Limeade go together - but they have sure been fun to sew!!

Blessings to Ya'll


  1. Oh, Doniene, such cute little stars!! I can see why your were pulled into that one! : )
    Cherry Limeade is looking really good!
    Your post is making me hungry--better go have breakfast!

  2. Sweet little stars! Love the fabric, too! And Cherry Limeade is looking great! Woohoo!

  3. I really love your Limeade quilt.
    Can't wait to see it finished!!

  4. I was tempted by Cheri's star blocks but have not given in. I will watch you create yours.

  5. Nice to see other Cheri's SAL follower! Love your fabrics, too :) Limeade quilt will be a good company with apple brown Betty!


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