
Monday, January 16, 2012

Swap Quilt from Australia !!!

Words and pictures cannot fully describe how  the gifts from Janene have blessed me ! They are just so adorable and wonderful!

Aren't these colors just beautiful!! Love the little four patches, and the house is delightful!

The label reads:

"Autumn in Australia
Under the Southern Cross
designed & made by
Janene Nichols
Australia 2011"

Notice the stars by the house - The Southern Cross !

I put it on the wall in front of my sewing table, so I could see it every time I sew ! It was a perfect fit below my little shelf, which was a drawer out of an old sewing machine cabinet !

Aren't these fabrics just beautiful ! Such interesting designs ! I can hardly wait to put them in a quilt - just haven't decided what yet !

Look at these adorable sewing aids !!! I continue to oooo and ahhhhh over them ! Notice how Janene so meticulously fussy cut - a pin cushion for the finger pincushion (which I love !) , the spool of thread on the needle/thread case! Just soooooo cute!

Also on the needle/thread case see the vintage sewing machine !!!

Such items I will treasure always !!! 


If any of you ever get a chance to do a swap, it is so much fun and so wonderful !!

Now to finish off this post, Janene sent me a photo of the quilt I sent her displayed by her absolutely stunning blue and white china ! (The china is well worth the view !!!!)

Blessed Day to Each and Every One of You !!!! 


  1. What a wonderful treasure you received from Janene! But then, you sent her a beauty as well! You each have the perfect spots for hanging your swap quilts. I love your little shelf! And look at how wonderfully your little quilt accents all that blue and white china. She must be thrilled with her gift, as well!

  2. Very exciting!
    Both of you have little heirloom quilts. Isn't it great when a swap works out. I'm glad you can keep it close at hand to enjoy each time you pass it ;-)
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. It's so fun to get something in the mail and doubly so when it is handmade! Lovely gifts!
    The quilt you sent her looks right at home. I'm still deciding what to do with the leftover blocks you sent me. They are so cute!

  4. oh my that is so cool. way to go Mom!


I'd treasure each of your words of wisdom and encouragement!