
Saturday, December 31, 2011

CWR Blocks Finished !!

Wow, the year has flown by!! All in all, I choose to remember the good things and put the bad things behind me. I can say that one of the best things for me has been meeting all you wonderful people in blog land!! I've been inspired, overwhelmed, encouraged, amazed, educated and most of all am glad I can call you friends!

Today was the last of the CWR blocks. I didn't start until about July, but it has been a wonderful journey for me. I learned so much about Civil War History, quilt block history, and my ability to make many different blocks.

#52 Christmas Star and #53 Union Shield

Since I used only these fabrics for all my blocks, my Christmas Star doesn't really look like the others, It isn't my favorite, but the points are good and I used up small pieces. The Union Shield is one of my favorites!

I've opted to set my blocks 7 X 8 with sashing and cornerstones and add a 6 inch border. So, in order to have enough blocks, I made 3 more to make 56.

 Swallow, Flock and a Fox and Geese Variation

Then I also made four 6" blocks for the corners of the border. Not sure when I'll assemble the top (I'm comprising my "2012 Quilt Schedule"), but I would like to finish it by next fall.

Happy New Year !!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Gifts

A few of you asked to see pictures of my sewing projects that I made for Christmas. For each of the girls I made an apron and three matching/coordinating potholders. I added a little something extra to each apron. For Mikkie - a button cover that was my mother's; for Mandie and Mollie - buttons from a fabric store in Valentine Nebraska (that's another whole story that I will tell later) and for Lyn - an "F" monogram pin that was Mike's mom. It was fun and I think they each liked them and the colors I chose. (The pictures are in the order that I named above)

Happy New Year  !!!!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Quilt Books Galore!!!!

These were Christmas gifts from my girls!!
Bet you can't guess what I've been doing the past couple of days  !!!   LOL !!!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Quilt Top

No, I didn't just finish it - I've been busy, but not that busy!!! LOL This is the top that I finished last year and just haven't gotten around to quilting it. I'm going to hand quilt it for myself. Maybe in 2012 I will get to it, so it can be on my bed next Christmas

Very, Very, Very Merry Christmas !!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Lyn's Christmas Stocking - Quilt Blocks

I've been busy sewing, but can't post what I'm working on until after Christmas. But I did finish a couple more blocks and the weekly CWR block. Plus Lyn's (future DIL) Christmas stocking.

CWR # 51 - New York

Christmas Blocks

Lyn's Stocking - notice the "bling bling" antlers and collar - Lyn is our girly, girl and she likes "bling"!!

Here's a picture of all the kid's stockings - there is a short story about the stockings. In 1999, right before Christmas we moved from Texas to Nebraska, so not only was it to a new house (the first move ever for the kids) but it was out of state. On the cover of the Eddie Bauer Christmas catalog were the cutest stockings, but not in my budget. But, I knew I could make something similar - so to commemorate our move, I made new Christmas Stockings for the whole family. As the family has grown with marriages, I've copied each child's stocking for their spouse with some small changes, so each couple has "matching" stockings at my house. 

and here are Mike's and my stockings (yes, we still get gifts from Santa!!)

Merry Christmas!!!!

Christmas Skates and Candy Canes

I thought I had ALL of my Christmas decorating done (except the tree which we cut on our ranch a few days before Christmas) but when my dear friend Rhonda posted a picture of an ice skate with stuffed candy canes, I just had to add the decor to my house. I was raised on the Wyoming/Colorado border, so I still had my skates that I had as a  girl. I think I got them from Santa when I was about 8 - they were too big, but with extra socks I was so happy!! I wore them for several years and we would skate up and down our creek for a couple of miles!! Oh the memories. Though the sled was not ours we had one just like it as kids. We very, very, very, very seldom get to sled in Texas, but the sled stays by our wood burning heater year round!! Nostalgia and Memories!!!

Blessed Merry Christmas to All

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fabric Bonaza!!!!

Wow, two posts in one week for me!!! But I did want to show off my recent fabrics. Some of you may remember that I won Maureen's fabric giveaway!! (I was so very excited!!) I received them last week and just wanted to show them off. As all of you know, photos really don't do the fabric justice, but they are truly lovely!!

I separated them into two groups, because this second group fits together with some other fabric I had.

Lovely Cheddars and Dark Navy and Black!!

Goes perfect with some fat quarters that my dear friend Janet sent me!! 

Thanks Bunches!!!
 With this fabric, I'm planning on making the following quilt (I'll keep adding to the fabric) without the center medallion, just the nine patch and Kentucky crossroads.

 This picture is in one of my all time favorite books


Now this last fabric photo was a gift to myself. I had gone to the LQS for some fabric for a Christmas project and of course what sane quilter would not look on the sale table. Found these two nice fabrics, went to the cutting table and Joanna gave me everything on each bolt for the sale price of one yard!!! Got 1 1/2 yds of the green and 2 1/2 yds of the cream!!! Merry Christmas to me!!!

Blessed Christmas to All!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

CWR BOW - Christmas Greetings BOM - Baby Quilt - New Project

I LOVE this time of year!!! The colors, the smells, the memories, making new memories, decorations, baking, cooking, family time, sharing, giving - the whole deal!! 

I LOVE reading everyone's blog and seeing the things you are working on and your Christmas posts! I've been posting my photos of my decorations on my house blog (button in my side bar).

And I'm still working on quilt projects - you all keep me motivated and inspired!!!

CWR Block # 50 - Grapes of Wrath

Christmas Greetings BOM - Christmas Star
(57 pieces in a 6 inch block and I machined pieced it for a change!!)

Baby quilt for a friend. I started hand quilting  it today as we traveled to pick up supplies (150 mile round trip)

And finally,  my new project that I started. Really it is Laura's fault!!! She is posting daily, lovely Christmas quilts on her blog Pine Ridge Quilter and I thought wouldn't it be fun to a have a Christmas quilt for every bed in my house (that would be 5)! So, you got it, I've begun making blocks for bed size Christmas quilts!! I still had some fabric left from my Christmas small quilt projects. I loved a lot of the blocks that we made for the CWR BOW, so I started making some of those with the Christmas fabrics, plus a few other patterns as I think of them. No time limit on finishing, just going to sew until the fabric is gone!

Blessed Christmas to Each of You!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

CWR Block #49 and I'm a Winner!!!

This week's CWR Block was Yankee Puzzle - a simple but very appropriate block! I loved making it and love looking at all the color combos out there!!

I also finished my yahoo group small quilt one on one swap, but don't want to post it until my partner gets it. Janene lives in Yackandandah Victoria Australia and I put it in the post today - she should have it within two weeks!! Then I'll post. So even though I don't have many pictures, I have been busy. As I was putting on the binding last night, Mike asked me, "How many of those are you going to make? It seems like you are always working on something!!!"  I fix him 2 meals a day - what more could a guy want!! LOL!!!

And imagine my surprise when I logged on and went to my dashboard and was scanning the blogs that I follow and my name - yes, MY NAME jumped out at me on Maureen's - Pursuit of Quilts blog that I was the winner of her anniversary giveaway!!! Thanks Maureen - I'm already planning something to make!!! How fun is that - an early Christmas present for me!!!!

Blessed Christmas to All!!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Sorta Quilt Related

So do you remember this?

My Great Grandmother's Pillow Sham that my future DIL had framed for me.

Well, go here to see their engagement pictures. A little added story, when you get to the pictures of an old pickup - that was my dad's and he took me to my wedding in it!

Blessed Holiday Season Ya'll